also does not workBenzor, try
<SellItemAction Sell="Amount" NpcEntry="64076" Location="783.5886, 275.6736, 503.4197" SellItemType="Specific" ItemID="3371,93351,72238" Count="10" />
<SellItemAction Sell="Amount" NpcEntry="3358" Location="0, 0, 0" SellItemType="Specific" ItemID="2770" Count="(110-InbagCount(2770))" />
<SellItemAction Sell="Amount" NpcEntry="3358" Location="0, 0, 0" SellItemType="Specific" ItemID="2771" Count="(50-InbagCount(2771))" />
<SellItemAction Sell="Amount" NpcEntry="3358" Location="0, 0, 0" SellItemType="Specific" ItemID="818" Count="(20-InbagCount(818))" />
<SellItemAction Sell="Amount" NpcEntry="3358" Location="0, 0, 0" SellItemType="Specific" ItemID="774" Count="(20-InbagCount(774))" />
I am trying to sell a certain amount of items but keep getting the follwing error:
Err: Sell Item->Count
Compile Error : 'int' is a 'type' but is used like a 'variable'
HTML:<SellItemAction Sell="Amount" NpcEntry="3358" Location="0, 0, 0" SellItemType="Specific" ItemID="2770" Count="(110-InbagCount(2770))" /> <SellItemAction Sell="Amount" NpcEntry="3358" Location="0, 0, 0" SellItemType="Specific" ItemID="2771" Count="(50-InbagCount(2771))" /> <SellItemAction Sell="Amount" NpcEntry="3358" Location="0, 0, 0" SellItemType="Specific" ItemID="818" Count="(20-InbagCount(818))" /> <SellItemAction Sell="Amount" NpcEntry="3358" Location="0, 0, 0" SellItemType="Specific" ItemID="774" Count="(20-InbagCount(774))" />
How can achieve what I am trying to do here?
<SellItemAction Sell="Amount" NpcEntry="3358" Location="0, 0, 0" SellItemType="Specific" ItemID="2770" Count="110 - InbagCount(2770)" />
<SellItemAction Sell="Amount" NpcEntry="3358" Location="0, 0, 0" SellItemType="Specific" ItemID="2771" Count="50 - InbagCount(2771)" />
<SellItemAction Sell="Amount" NpcEntry="3358" Location="0, 0, 0" SellItemType="Specific" ItemID="818" Count="20 - InbagCount(818)" />
<SellItemAction Sell="Amount" NpcEntry="3358" Location="0, 0, 0" SellItemType="Specific" ItemID="774" Count="20 - InbagCount(774)" />
foreach(var recipe in HighVoltz.TradeSkill.GetTradeSkill(SkillLine.Inscription).KnownRecipes)
Logging.Write(recipe.Value.SpellId + " " + recipe.Value.Name);
if (_knownSpellsPtr == 0)
_knownSpellsPtr = StyxWoW.Memory.Read<uint>(new IntPtr(GlobalPBSettings.Instance.KnownSpellsPtr), true);
I'm trying to level mining/herbing but when ever I select PB and select the profile, it keeps queing up for BG's.
[19:01:20.828 N]PB 1.654: Successfuly changed secondary bot to: AutoAngler
i have been using extreme-token-fishin-easy-tokens-fishing-ironpaw-tokens to farm but for some reason after starting the bot the whole log gets spammed by the following msg the whole time its running.
i have put in a small portion of the log(it was over 10 MB when i finaly pressed stop)here, is this becouse of the profile or the bot?