Gliga, and thanks for the log.
You are actually using ProfessionBuddy, not GatherBuddy. And, the profile you are using is designed to seek only harvests that will yield 'skillups'. The correct sub-profile is being loaded for your mining and herbing skill:
[08:37:48.172 N] Mine/Herb 1-600: Mining.Level: 151
[08:37:48.177 N] Mine/Herb 1-600: Herbalism.Level: 182
[08:37:50.989 D] PB: Start Called
[08:37:50.752 D] Loading profile from E:/Botovi/Bubica/Default Profiles/Professionbuddy/HBProfiles/GB2 Herb and Mining profiles/Horde/(GB2 180-225)(SouthernBarrens.Horde)Herb&Mining.xml
But, the profile is ignoring the non-skill producing harvests as your toon moves from Orgrimmar to South Barrens. This is what it is designed to do.
[08:40:57.955 N] Mine/Herb 1-600: Blacklisting Briarthorn because it's grey
[08:41:05.323 N] Mine/Herb 1-600: Blacklisting Copper Vein because it's grey
If your intent was to collect these lower-level, non-skill-producing harvests, then you should be using Gatherbuddy with an appropriate profile—
not ProfessionBuddy and the 1-600 Mining/Herb 'skill up' profile.
If your intent was to skill-up, you should just be patient and let the profile do its thing.