I've been using HB for a long time now, and this never happened before.
I have "Max foreground FPS" disabled, heck, this even happens when i have nothing else opened, but only happens with BGs. I can run grindbot/questing with no problem.
But if i use bgbuddy, as soon as bot targets an enemy, it drops like 40 (yeah , 40) fps that exact sec, and every min it runs its goes worse, ending up with 0 fps. When this happens, even closing Honorbuddy doesnt fix it.
This is happening since WoD pre expansion patch came and HB got updated, and its a pain. No way to use it like this ( And i have read this very same situation in many more comments among all HB updates since 6.0 arrived.
And no. Its not a "Your computer" issue. Its something on HB's end since latest release , since i never had this trouble before.