So, using HB Beta 406 right now. Does ANYONE have ANY clue why HB Framelock is not usable for me? As soon as I check the box in HB, HB starts eating my CPU (45%+ during a fight) and fps drops (logical, there's no cpu power left to give to HB probably). Tyrael framelock works great.
I've tried OC'ing my cpu, setting it standard, setting power to maximum (Windows and Asus settings), fresh install of HB and Oracle and Tyrael... nothing works. Only thing I have not tried is using no addons and using DX11, I will try the first one now. Frustrating that everyone is very pleased with built-in framelock while on my pc it's terrible...
/edit: No that's not it. Without any addons, the same thing happens. HB eats so much CPU that the HB window is not even clickable anymore and does not update.
I've tried OC'ing my cpu, setting it standard, setting power to maximum (Windows and Asus settings), fresh install of HB and Oracle and Tyrael... nothing works. Only thing I have not tried is using no addons and using DX11, I will try the first one now. Frustrating that everyone is very pleased with built-in framelock while on my pc it's terrible...
/edit: No that's not it. Without any addons, the same thing happens. HB eats so much CPU that the HB window is not even clickable anymore and does not update.