I had a problem with LazyRaider this evening. I used it a few hours ago for the first time with the CC "TC Resto Druid" an everything was very good. But now I tried it again and nothing happens. The bot didn't work. I have the log here. Could you tell me what was wrong? I think it was my fault but I don't know where I can find it.
View attachment 42549
Radl, Thanks for the post and the attached log file. I am assuming you were expecting it to begin healing since you were using TCRestoDruid. If that is incorrect please clarify what specifically you were looking for the Bot to do. The log file doesn't contain much info. Based upon your LazyRaider settings:
[22:48:06:450] +LazyRaider+ FollowTank set to False
[22:48:06:450] +LazyRaider+ AutoTarget set to False
[22:57:40:542] Mark of the Wild DeathKnight
[22:57:40:718] Spell_C::CastSpell(1126, 0, 0x580000003325AF6, 0) [1]
The character would not have moved at all and all movement would have to be done by you. This is because the LazyRaider Auto Follow Tank setting is false (which refers to following the tank when not in combat.) All movement while in combat is handled by the CC, but TCRestoDruid CC was written specifically for LazyRaiding so does not contain any movement or facing code.
The character will not automatically target an enemy. If another character needs to be targeted for any reason, you will need to do it. It appears TCRestoDruid has targeting built in, but questions about that would need to be directed to the author.
It does appear that the CustomClass was being called at least for buffing where Mark of the Wild was cast.. You may want to check with the TCRestoDruid author to see if he has any suggestions regarding your results.
As for heal targeting and heal spell casting, that is handled by the CC.
Actually, LazyRaider is pretty thin regarding functionallity. It is primarly a harness that allows you to manually move your character and target other characters leaving the spell rotation to your CustomClass. In otherwords, the bulk of what happens when using LazyRaider occurs within the CC, not the Bot.
In reviewing the TCRestoDruid thread it appears others are using LazyRaider without an issue. I have two suggestions:
1. Reinstall TCRestoDruid overwriting your current install if you made any changes to its default configuration. You will need to exit and reload HonorBuddy completely for this to take effect.
2. If that had no effect, delete the LazyRaider folder from your Bots directory, then reinstall the prior version 2.0.2.
3. If still not achieving the desired results, make a post in the TCRestoDruid thread to see if the author or other users have any insight.
In the meantime, I'll level a Druid to be able to run TCRestoDruid. That will take awhile however. I'll also add some trace output to LazyRaider to confirm whether the CustomClass is being called assisting both users and CC authors in troubleshooting. By default this will be turned off but I'll provide instructions on how to enable it. It will be a couple days before I can do that for you, but will make sure it is in the next release.
Thanks for the post and good luck with your LazyRaiding, Bobby53