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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Thanks Kick going to test! im stucking at lv24 my bot keep grinding at the forest...im going to tryout now...
Read the popup box for details

Note: If you get an error that says "cannot find NPC #####" - go to wowhead, find the npc listed ... go to him and click "target info" in HB. Give me that info and i'll fix it.

If you stop / start, d/c, or start this profile in the middle - go to your last quest npc / area and press start
I do not support PvP realms. So if you get ganked, please do not complain here that the "profile messed up"

wish your notes here, Kick, where easier to find. I was having problems with the bot not finding NPC and tried to do a search in the search bar but only found this article after reading about 10 other ones. Wish they could make the search function a bit better but that is not your fault.

Awesome profile and no longer stuck so thanks.
First, I want to thank you for the work you make yourself with this. Very nice for people that dont have the time! Thanks!

I have a two issues.
Dont know if they were already posted several times, however, im apologizen, since i didnt know which key word i could use for search.

Sometimes my bot flies somewhere it should not fly to. Example: Redrige Mountains, or Elwynn.
Then he isnt able to fly away from there manually. Just runs to flightmaster. Dont recognizing him, runs back and again to flightmaster.

Moreover, my feral druid sometimes do not attack creatures that attack him, or that he just run to, but dont fight with.
He heals himself all the time and survives up to 20mins with it :D

Unfortunately I dont have logs for both issues. However, i think theyre maybe known? and common?

Thank you preliminary! :)
Kick, does this support RAF party bot? Or would I just have to follow one toon to the other?
Kick, does this support RAF party bot? Or would I just have to follow one toon to the other?

raf / partybot is currently only via grinding

but i think 'Smarter' has a plugin that you might be able to use for questing RAF (I will not be supporting QQ's if you use this)
Had a bug where after level 5 when you are suppose to take the flight path to Sen'jin Village, Durotar... it doesnt seem to work, I had to manually do it, and then sometimes it takes it right back to Orgrimmar, Durotar.

Other than that, your profile is the only one I could get working past level 6.
@ the Blood Elf starting area: Toon gets to L5 and gets stuck forever trying to use a FP.
I attached the log, but cut it out cuz it was 3 mb long due to spamming this for 2 hours:

[04:10:35 p.m.:564] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[04:10:35 p.m.:564] Cleared POI
[04:10:35 p.m.:689] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update
[04:10:35 p.m.:965] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[04:10:35 p.m.:965] Cleared POI
[04:10:36 p.m.:087] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update

I tried disabling learning of FP and it was still doing. Restarting HB didn't help.

PS. I'll be taking advantage of the christmas deal and leveling several toons. I'll try to help finding bugs :).


Had a bug where after level 5 when you are suppose to take the flight path to Sen'jin Village, Durotar... it doesnt seem to work, I had to manually do it, and then sometimes it takes it right back to Orgrimmar, Durotar.

Other than that, your profile is the only one I could get working past level 6.

Lol beat me to it!
fp's are buggy this version of the bot; you'll just have to stop / start

hopefully it will be working 100% again soon

make sure you guys re-svn daily, i have been doing tons of fixes to the horde stuff!!! =)

it's not a profile issue - so i don't need logs. give them to the release thread
fixed EPL so that it only uses the repair and mailboxes from epl only if it's in the actual zone! no more standing a Gurt while in Ashenvale

also we will no longer try to train skills while in eastern plaguelands
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