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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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mudosan - that is not a log
provide a real log
do not provide useless code

also, disable auto find vendors

writing this off as a "user issue"

		<Vendor Name="Mahaega Grimforge" Entry="43564" Type="Repair" X="4610.84" Y="-4729.36" Z="883.6992" />
		<Vendor Name="Nunaha Grasshoof" Entry="43495" Type="Repair" X="4924.59" Y="-2740.14" Z="1437.64" />
		<Vendor Name="Jalin Lakedeep" Entry="43380" Type="Repair" X="5180.91" Y="-1716.01" Z="1339.965" />
		<Vendor Name="Toron Rockhoof" Entry="43410" Type="Repair" X="5573.142" Y="-3603.472" Z="1570.72" />
		<Vendor Name="Inoho Stronghide" Entry="43550" Type="Repair" X="4421.68" Y="-2095.55" Z="1205.802" />

These are the guys I want you to repair at. I don't have food vendors atm because i did the profile before food was an option. If it's trying to buy food, or sell to a food person... it seems like an HB issue. dunno
What profile though? Everytime i try and load the profile. and then go to quests it then says Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
I might be able to save some of you some time...

If you're a tauren druid, do yourself a favor and just level up through BGs and/or archeology bot. The pathing on this profile is very clearly not made for Taurens. I get caught on something literally almost every 10 to 15 minutes because its constantly trying to cut around or under things. In addition, it's insanely reckless. It will not dismount on aggro, but when it does dismount it will go back to fight whatever you did aggro. It dies about 2x an hour if Im not babysitting it because it almost always ends up fighting 4-5 mobs when it moves to a new location. It's so bad that Im considering disabling the actual ground mount setting so that it just fights things as they aggro. Now I imagine that's probably more to do with the CC than this profile, but its a problem for Taurens/druids either way so I brought it up.

Btw, i mean absolutely no disrespect to the creator and the editor of this profile. I will use it when I make my warlock and hunter, but Im just trying to share my experience with the Tauren Druid for others. Ive run it since patch, starting at lvl 68 and im only a third of the way through 72. Im about to load up Archeology and BG bot in mixed mode if the ground mount thing doesn't help.

Aside from that stuff it seems to work great. The only thing I'd change is the grind area from 68-70 because the woolies it tries to fight are a social aggro and come in packs. You end up fighting no less than 3 every pull and it can be problematic for characters not in full BoA.


These aggro issues are HB related. Report them in the Release thread.

The other is a mesh issue. HB has refused to redo the mesh for large characters and mounts. Always choose small races and mounts.
Ahhh, i understand now.... I'm getting more familiar with the bot. Thank you :). That's another step closer to me buying this bot.
Awsome contribute mate, Will test it out and give feedback.
Now all thats missing is a plugin that will switch cc without restarting HB " blink blink " :p

+Rep from me!

EDIT: Nothing happens when I press the configured keybind :/
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Awsome contribute mate, Will test it out and give feedback.
Now all thats missing is a plugin that will switch cc without restarting HB " blink blink " :p

+Rep from me!

EDIT: Nothing happens when I press the configured keybind :/
WoW is the forground window?
Hey kick can you ad a very tiny blackspot here, bot gets stuck by the fence in duskwood after turning in a quest: <Hotspot X="-10548.89" Y="-1335.182" Z="47.47839" />

Have a problem, while bot dies during this quest I killed it to got 1/1 (Died Twice) it resurrects near the body sitting there, HB said it was trying to turn in the quest, so I walk over there manually and it trys to cast spells on the NPC, walk back outside, (the boss respawned) started the bot and clicked on the boss, started killing it and almost died again (had to play by hand) this time I didnt die and doesnt turn in quest.

Oh heres a log.

Edit: one more thing on line 4670 its trying to turn in a quest that it hasnt done looks like you forgot the objective. :P
<Objective QuestName="Roland's Doom" QuestId="26670" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="938" CollectCount="1" />
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sorry Highvolts I was not at the computer.
I am using the[mining-herb](1-300)ground

please drop my post..I flew him to Ironforge and he is going guns now.

System.Exception: Unable to load Cooking
at HighVoltz.TradeSkillFrame.GetTradeSkill(SkillLine skillLine, Boolean blockFrame) in d:\HB_4_29_2011 - warrior\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\Tradeskill.cs:line 172
at HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.loadTradeSkills() in d:\HB_4_29_2011 - warrior\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\ProfessionBuddy.cs:line 391

I keep getting this exception but it can go for now.
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Going through this for the third time in a couple of weeks. Did it with a paladin and a warrior previously, and trying a warlock as we speak. I've equipped him with bags, and he's just dinged level 6. Hoping that I'm close to 20 when I wake up, and not stuck somewhere at level 6-7'ish =P

What I want to say is this; I only use your profiles. They're the best ones out there in my opinion!
I've just noticed, as the bot is levelling. It will not equip armour that it is being given as a reward that is better than any current equipment?.
After picking up Mistmantle's Revenge (At line 4678) the bot just stops. This quest needs to be re-worked.

Then later its not doing these quests: line 4686
<While Condition="((HasQuest(26720)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(26720)))" >
				<RunTo X="-11032.07" Y="250.9833" Z="27.61951" />
				<CustomBehavior File="CombatUseItemOn" QuestId="26720" MobId="43923" ItemId="60206" NpcHPLeft="30" Range="10" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" CollectionDistance="20" X="-11032.07" Y="250.9833" Z="27.61951" />
			<While Condition="((HasQuest(26777)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(26777)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="UseItemOn" QuestId="26777" MobId="43923" ItemId="60225" NumOfTimes="5" NpcState="Alive" HpLeftAmount="100" WaitTime="6000" CollectionDistance="200" X="-10969.46" Y="237.1029" Z="28.42085" />

I've just noticed, as the bot is levelling. It will not equip armour that it is being given as a reward that is better than any current equipment?.

Make sure EquipMe is enabled in the plugins tab
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