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how do u disable flight path? sorry im pretty new to thisI've run into the same issue, the only way around it now is to just disable "Use flightpaths" and travel on ground.
Im playing a lvl 44 Worgen druid. The profile was working fine until about 1 day or so ago. Then out of nowhere I started getting this error:
"Unable to evaluate/compile condition in If tag. Please check your profile. Honorbuddy stopped."
This started to happen right after i tried using this plugin. I never got that plugin to work, but it wasn't a big deal. After that, this error kept coming up. I've re-downloaded the profiles, re-downloaded HB, and still keep getting this. Even after the update today, it still keeps happening, and I can't figure out why.View attachment 58745
Ummm so i've been using Kicks and decided to try this. After starting it my warrior decided to run off the top of a mushroom in Zangarmarsh and commit suicide. It ran back to its body and ressurected then ate food and just continued sitting and wouldnt move. Why did he not mount a flying mount and start like normal?
edit: after sitting for a minute and doing nothing he is now up and running. Again why no mount?
Decided to mount up and fly into the air and start the bot... It flew for about 10 seconds and just nose dived straight for a mob.
Another time I mounted sayyyy 20 yards off the ground. It flew to the ground and decided to fly just off the ground.
how do u disable flight path? sorry im pretty new to this
not sure what's going on here...using a level 87 death knight. I have completed the starting area for kun-lai (binan village) and am trying to use kick's questing 87-88. I load the profile and it takes me around all of pandaria doing nothing.....log is attached, pls help.
View attachment 62936
*edit: It also says in the honorbuddy gui log in blue coloring:
[Profile Message]: Compiling Binan Village Quests (but I've already completed them, maybe this is the issue?)
did a fresh install, deleted honorbuddymeshes in the hidden appfolder...rebooted wow several times, and made sure I am in the corresponding zone of which profile I am loading....
Since I dinged 58, the bot simply doesn't work, it says ''moving to hotspot'' and it just stands still. When I move to Hellfire by myself, it starts running to Zangarmarsh. Attached the log
there's something wrong with BC and monks, i don't know what it is... they just want to grind. not a profile issue, it's a quest bot issue. fwd'd to natfoth
Nekkid gf pix or gtfo?Kick....why won't you love me?
<If Condition="((!HasQuest(31286)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(31286)))" >
<RunTo X="783.7535" Y="-205.1563" Z="402.2014" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="61759" X="783.7535" Y="-205.1563" Z="402.2014" />
<PickUp QuestName="Robbing Robbers of Robbers" QuestId="31286" GiverName="Len the Whisperer" GiverId="63484" X="903.3386" Y="-147.3142" Z="430.8914" />
the bot thinks you haven't done it. if you have, then it's a cache issue.