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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Ran the 80-82 mount hyjal profile and it ran great for almost a whole level but it eventually got to a quest (at work cant check name) and he had to rescue 8 people and when i checked the bot he was just standing around, moving to hotspot it says.. Sometimes he even mounts but no movement. I didnt have time to do quest by hand cause i had to work at 6am but i can post log tonight. Thanks!
Do you need Quest Behaviors for this? Because i don't get any when im downloading this pack. Thanks
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Elevator Warsong Hold
Ship Darkshore - Stormwind
Zeppelin Undercity - Orgrimmar

all the same Problem with Quest behaviour
Having issues with the 68-80 alliance pack for quite some time now, it's compiling quests that I haven't done, randomly moving to points for quest objectives, and then compiling instead of following through with an objective, which in turn makes him start to travel again.

View attachment 2040 2012-10-21 12.14.txt

Log attached ^
yea, i tank and dps and as a tank i would like to be able to control the target im tanking especially during a raid. it has also switched to party members alot when i was doing dailys with my brother, please show or add something to help us!
okay im new to this so is there any to select what spec you're running? because im a frost mage and it never uses frost bomb and that always has to be active so like i always have to click it so it can be cast, cant it be cast like frostbolt when its up?
You can NOT AFK this profile when it gets to the ZangarMarsh and Terrokar Forrest. It sits there for hours and repeatedly tries to pick up a quest that isn't there. Just talks to the same guy over and over and over. Do NOT AFK this profile. You will have to watch it. Many time it does this in BC zones. I don't know yet about WOTLK and Cata.
I have a problem. I level 1-58 with this profil, no problem.

Now i hit BC, i change manuel the Zone, to BC, and talk to the First NPC after the Gate. This NPC send me to first First Alliance City. There i sell items, and buy new stuff at the Taverne. Then i try to load the Profil 58-68.
He always want to Pick Up new Quest, and ride to the Gate. There the Bot want to Pickup the First Quest after the Gate, which i allready done, what can i do, to continued now? Bot want to pick up the Quest and do nothing,
because i allready did the First Quest?

Thanks for help

P.S. I allready try restart the Bot, and restart Wow, nothing help!
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Stuck in orgrimar


I'm having a problem, my char always go to Orgrimar infront of the flypath guy and stays stuck. How can i fix this ?
Thank you!

Edit : Found the problem, turns out i only needed to buy the mounting skill :/ sorry if i've bothered someone with this stupid problem


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I do not know how to post a log but my char just runs back and fourth between the Ogrimar flight path "Doras" and Sentin Village the troll area and doesn't do a single thing quest related it worked perfectly 1-5 in the undead area but after that nothing but walking back and fourth and just doing jack it spent 12 hours doing it with no results but 1 single level... The alliance side worked flawlessly from 1-58 but horde is broken after level 5...
Reinstalled honorbuddy and it works flawlessly just like alliance profile did thank you for your work kick love the profiles (=

Was getting No data for Kalimdor_43_32.etm before re installation though just a fyi...
Re: Kick's Mega Profile Packs 1-85

Reinstalled honorbuddy and it works flawlessly just like alliance profile did thank you for your work kick love the profiles (=

Was getting No data for Kalimdor_43_32.etm before re installation though just a fyi...
Here is how to post a log: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/showthread.php?t=35945 but glad you fixed it yourself. That no data error is a mesh issue. Recent they have been having auth and some mesh issues.
Thank you for the input masta it did start to work then just continued on walking around killing random mobs as it walked back an fourth and as for the log there's no errors or nothing just shows a bunch of spells casted so I am not sure how a log would honestly help... hopefully they will update honorbuddy again soon and it will be resolved.
Is there any way to make it go to the next zone? Says level 27 is N stranglevale, but its still in duskwood and the whole chain got screwed up there due to a buggy quest.
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