[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'GetOffX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'GetOffY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'GetOffZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'StandOnX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'StandOnY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'StandOnZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'TransportEndX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'TransportEndY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'TransportEndZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'TransportStartX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'TransportStartY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'TransportStartZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'WaitAtX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'WaitAtY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'WaitAtZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[13:12:27.648 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestPickUp QuestId: 28245, QuestName: Grunt Work].
[13:12:27.654 D] Picking up Grunt Work : 28245
[13:12:27.654 D] Goal: Picking up Grunt Work
[13:12:27.668 D] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[13:12:27.789 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[13:12:27.819 D] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[13:12:27.819 D] Loading Azeroth_35_48
[13:12:28.019 D] Successfully generated path from {-7950.299, -1927.451, 132.2416} to {-8072.18, -1893.2, 132.68} in 220 milliseconds
[13:12:28.191 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[13:12:28.422 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
[13:12:28.493 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[13:12:28.560 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
[13:12:28.618 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[13:12:36.493 D] InteractDebug:613904128
[13:12:36.501 D] Interact Done:613904128
[13:12:36.685 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
[13:12:38.947 D] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[13:12:38.947 D] Cleared POI
[13:12:39.562 D] [Cast] Keg Smash 121253
[13:12:39.575 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 121253, KnownIndex: 48
[13:12:39.607 N] 39:605 - HP: 86% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 0 - Paladin - 2y - 100% hp - Keg Smash
[13:12:40.724 D] [Cast] Guard 115295
[13:12:40.730 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 115295, KnownIndex: 46
[13:12:40.747 N] 40:746 - HP: 74% - Energy: 60 - Chi: 2 - Monk - 0y - 74% hp - Guard
[13:12:41.074 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
[13:12:50.279 N] Enabling Check at 09:12:50
[13:12:50.279 D] Checktimer has Finished its Total wait of 3 Minutes, Enabling Item Check for next Opportunity
[13:12:50.279 N] Will Run Next Check At 09:15:50
[13:12:56.319 D] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[13:12:58.290 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[13:12:58.326 N] Stopping the bot!
[13:12:58.328 D] Stop called!
[13:12:58.328 Q] Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the Stop button!
[13:12:58.357 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[13:12:58.357 N] [Sharp Jump] Stopping watch.
hi kick. i downloaded the profile and its doing ok for my monk. my only concern is that my pandarian monk is only auto attacking. he is not using special moves ect ect. if it was not for having equipt all possible boa gear including legs he probably would have been torn up by now..what is wrong with my monk..is there something that i am failing to do? anyone's help would be greatly appreciated. thank you.