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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Kick, cata profiles 80 to 82 so far have been flawless, cant wait til you do the ally 85-90!
The Felwood quest Singin' in the Sun is bugged and causing some problems with this profile.

It's not an actual problem with the 12-58 K-EK profile, it's literally a problem with the quest on Blizz's end.

The mob that you walk into various pools of sunlight is behaving oddly. He no longer stands there and gives you credit, but instead runs off directly toward a pile of dirt. If you don't follow him, he despawns and you can't finish the quest. If you do follow him, you get credit for each part of the quest (meaning you have to follow him back 5 times).

He seems to go in a straight line from whatever pool of sun you soak up to the exact same spot, details below, so perhaps it could be coded in? Not a huge deal either way, but it can cause some issues.

Anyhow, here's the mob name/type/location he goes to after each sun soaking:

quest: singin' in the sun
mob name: sapling protector
entry id: 48042
faction: 2402
faction name: PLAYER, Blood Elf
Vendor type: Questgiver
position: 6,104.99, -1,248.39, 375.34
zone: felwood
Raggaran's Fury quest goes to a place and just hangs out. Does not complete the quest. It goes to a location and stops moving. Log attached.


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Problem: "Moving to Type: QuestPickup" and "Could not generate path" in logs.
Combat Routine: CLU
Botbase: Questing
Profile: [Fly][N - Quest] Uldum 83-85 [Kick]
HB Revsion: see logs
everything else: see attatched log


Jade Forest profile has a typo on line 33. You used the Hotspot tag instead of the Mailbox tag.

Also, after "If These Stones Could Talk" the profile/bot can't seem to find Lorewalker Cho anymore even though he's standing right in front of me. I double checked the NPC Id with Developer Tools and I can't see the problem. I also did each next step manually and tried to restart the profile after each intervention. The profile would not pick up on its own again until I was ready for Swallowed Whole. It gave the same error each time: unable to find NPC 63217 (which doesn't make sense when I read the profile but its harder now to read the logs to see exactly which line its failing on). Log attached.

Edit: And lest I sound like a complainer...thank you for Jade Forest and I'm so glad you're back!!!


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was botting for awhile from level 1-20 orc then made a level 1 monk and went good up to level 5 and then when it wanted to use zepplin i get this:
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 411]: Attribute 'WaitAtZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.

and it just stands there not going aboard

Edit: fixed!
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Had problems with the following quests (using the "DK Starting revised by Nesox" profile):

Massacre At Light's Point - Stuck on the ship, won't use the gun for some reason.

Lambs To The Slaughter - Won't kill the Citzens, can't enter the houses, just stood there facing the wall.

The Scarlet Apocalypse - It gets stuck on it's way to the Lich King, every time.

An End To All Things... - Won't kill or destroy anything while riding the Frost Wyrm. Occasionally it eats an enemy to restore health, but that's it.

The Battle For The Ebon Hold - Won't join the battle (not sure if it's necessary for completion, though).

I'm using the SVN version, so i think i have the latest version.

Logs: View attachment 3200 2012-10-12 20.01.zip and View attachment 1720 2012-10-12 17.57.txt
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Hey, firstly thanks for the profile, Im getting a bug on all of my leveling profiles, It always simply walks up to a flight path then just wants to keep talking to the flight path, checked the script and it says "LearnFlightPaths-False" on every zone, is this an internal bot problem? I would link a log but it seems a few people are having this problem, tried reinstalling ect
In Borean Tundra it's not able to use the lift, same thing happened when waiting for zeppelin.

Here's that part of the log.

[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'GetOffX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'GetOffY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'GetOffZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'StandOnX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'StandOnY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'StandOnZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'TransportEndX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'TransportEndY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'TransportEndZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'TransportStartX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'TransportStartY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'TransportStartZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'WaitAtX' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'WaitAtY' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[UseTransport-v249(warning) @line 1620]: Attribute 'WaitAtZ' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
Got an issue with your profile.

i botted do lvl 20 then i did some dungeons and deleted all quests.
Now im lvl 24 and my bot do nothing. In HB i got the message "Waiting on taxi" but he never flys to a point... The fly map is open but he doesnt choose a destination
View attachment 3480 2012-10-13 09.13.txt
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Using the [A] 12-58 profile my character is getting stuck at John J. Keeshan in the Burning Steppes trying to pick up what is a Horde quest apparently, over and over. I trimmed the log.

Edit: After deleting that section in the XML file I found that my character then tries to go and pick up a quest at Quartermaster Kaoshin who is a Horde Elite and will kill characters that are AFK. I'm guessing because it didn't do the quest "A Perfect Disguise" to get the Blackrock costume. Also it's not reapplying the disguise for the rest of the quests along the line and it doesn't backstab all of the targets correctly for that one quest. It appears the whole quest chain has a bunch of bugs.

[13:12:27.648 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestPickUp QuestId: 28245, QuestName: Grunt Work].
[13:12:27.654 D] Picking up Grunt Work : 28245
[13:12:27.654 D] Goal: Picking up Grunt Work
[13:12:27.668 D] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[13:12:27.789 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[13:12:27.819 D] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[13:12:27.819 D] Loading Azeroth_35_48
[13:12:28.019 D] Successfully generated path from {-7950.299, -1927.451, 132.2416} to {-8072.18, -1893.2, 132.68} in 220 milliseconds
[13:12:28.191 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[13:12:28.422 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
[13:12:28.493 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[13:12:28.560 D] Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
[13:12:28.618 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[13:12:36.493 D] InteractDebug:613904128
[13:12:36.501 D] Interact Done:613904128
[13:12:36.685 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
[13:12:38.947 D] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[13:12:38.947 D] Cleared POI
[13:12:39.562 D] [Cast] Keg Smash 121253
[13:12:39.575 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 121253, KnownIndex: 48
[13:12:39.607 N] 39:605 - HP: 86% - Energy: 100 - Chi: 0 - Paladin - 2y - 100% hp - Keg Smash
[13:12:40.724 D] [Cast] Guard 115295
[13:12:40.730 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 115295, KnownIndex: 46
[13:12:40.747 N] 40:746 - HP: 74% - Energy: 60 - Chi: 2 - Monk - 0y - 74% hp - Guard
[13:12:41.074 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
[13:12:50.279 N] Enabling Check at 09:12:50
[13:12:50.279 D] Checktimer has Finished its Total wait of 3 Minutes, Enabling Item Check for next Opportunity
[13:12:50.279 N] Will Run Next Check At 09:15:50
[13:12:56.319 D] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[13:12:58.290 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[13:12:58.326 N] Stopping the bot!
[13:12:58.328 D] Stop called!
[13:12:58.328 Q] Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the Stop button!
[13:12:58.357 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[13:12:58.357 N] [Sharp Jump] Stopping watch.


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hi kick. i downloaded the profile and its doing ok for my monk. my only concern is that my pandarian monk is only auto attacking. he is not using special moves ect ect. if it was not for having equipt all possible boa gear including legs he probably would have been torn up by now..what is wrong with my monk..is there something that i am failing to do? anyone's help would be greatly appreciated. thank you.
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hi kick. i downloaded the profile and its doing ok for my monk. my only concern is that my pandarian monk is only auto attacking. he is not using special moves ect ect. if it was not for having equipt all possible boa gear including legs he probably would have been torn up by now..what is wrong with my monk..is there something that i am failing to do? anyone's help would be greatly appreciated. thank you.

Get a Combat Routine, has nothing to do with the profile. I recommend getting Tunas for Monks.
Horde Profile in Ashenvale quest called "before you go" will find the bucks for the venison and target them but never attacks them, just follows them around like a lost puppy. Once you attack it 1 time by yourself it finally kills it. I believe it might because the mob is passive. Mob called "Wild Buck"
salut J'ai un probl?me le bot me marque ca commentaire faire TaxiMap int?r?t ouvert! Mise ? jour de la Liste des noeuds connus. Impossible de trouver le PNJ Donneur de qu?te with the ID 43884 DANS la Base de donn?es. Bot arr?t?! Raison: Impossible de CR?ER le courant en qu?te bot!
Anyone got the problem where the Monk dosen't use Jab? Therefore dosen't use any spells. Can't figure out the problem
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