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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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At level 46 it just stops. It gets to felwood, does like 2 quests and then wants to go SOMEWHERE, might be a minus where there shouldn't be one or something...
Could not generate path from {3972.84, -1324.51, 244.8029} to {-3862.526, -654.8381, 5.384866} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly

Activity POI to: Type: Harvest SPAM

(problem in Hyjal und Deepholm...
char every time to the mailbox and use it - No download mesh for quest waypoints..Only Loading Titels ...and tries the next mailbox away to find

in nordend ;Moving to Type: Harvest
Your spec has been detected as Feral
Moving to Type: Harvest
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Moving to Type: Harvest
Blacklisting lootable to avoid useless POI spam, tried looting twice but we still can't loot!
Moving to Type: Harvest
Stopping the bot! )

Deepholm - Sturmwind and Sturmwind - Deepholm Portal loop use spam

hmmmm i re- install HB v. 4129 new and now is all ok ....

View attachment 18686
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Your uldum and Deepholm quest profile worked flawless, to bad you are Alliance and i cant try out your MH and Twilight Highlands quest profile :)
Would be great if you did MH and TH horde profiles.
Thanks for the great work and keep it up mate
I got this one as well:
<CustomBehavior File="BasicInteractWith" QuestId="13527" NpcID="32975" MoveTo="0" />
make sure the tag has all required attributes and try again.
Thread was being aborted.
Honorbuddy stopped

That made me change profile and use an other quest profile for humans. Too bad, since this one was really impressive at the 1-13 part!

Had this problem as well. its to do with the custom behavior. Just use the custom behaviors that come with the latest release of HB and it will work.
<!-- I think this is where you have ally and horde difference - going to do another quest instead of explorers -->
			<If Condition="(Me.IsAlliance)" >
		<PickUp QuestName="The Explorers" GiverName="Earthcaller Yevaa" QuestId="27952" GiverId="42573" />
		<TurnIn QuestName="The Explorers" TurnInName="Explorer Mowi" QuestId="27952" TurnInId="44799" />
			<If Condition="(Me.IsHorde)" >
		<PickUp QuestName="The Reliquary" GiverName="Earthcaller Yevaa" QuestId="27953" GiverId="42573" />
		<TurnIn QuestName="The Reliquary" TurnInName="Examiner Rowe" QuestId="27953" TurnInId="44823" />

ran into a loop where NPC doesnt have the quest. there are some interesting comments on wowhead about it
The Reliquary - Quest - World of Warcraft

for now i just commented out the code block and the bot is continuing on its marry way
you're probably not level 83 yet... i have to fix those :(

I need to know when is the latest time that you can pickup that quest (at the end, she's phased out)
i'm adding more quests to storm peaks...

The flying quests in wintergarde and icecrown are scripted. the flying quest in stormpeaks (for the hodir chain) is not scripted yet (well, it is scripted but I need a CB to support it - maybe in a few days i'll have 1)

there are a few vehicle quests you'll have to do on your own in storm peaks and icecrown **for now** ... but i'm adding a *lot*

I don't like grinding from 78-80, and i'm sure you don't either
you're probably not level 83 yet... i have to fix those :(

I need to know when is the latest time that you can pickup that quest (at the end, she's phased out)

Yup 'The Reliquary' still tries to pick up early.

When i ran into the issue i ran Archbuddy for a while, probably got between 1/4-1/2 of a level from it. I ran this profile again after you had moved the reliquary further on in the profile but i was still a sliver away from being 83 when it tried.
alright, i need to know when the *latest* time that you can pickup this quest... that means I need to know when she's not phased out. i assume right before the last chain to kill that priestess lady, but i don't know. i haven't had the chance to re-run the profile.

i've been holding my toons off that haven't done it, so i can re-do hyjal eventually
Hey Kickazz,

Ive just gone to deepholm to follow the quests as a lvl 82 pally. Im not sure if the quest behaviours are in the right spot or not, just been using them with the updater and I downloaded them today and extracted them into the folder, but the problem Im having is that it wont fly after its picked up the quests, Ive got the screen shots showing where Im standing. It picked up the quests fine but just doesnt seem to want to fly, and yeah Ive got flying mounts lol I went into HB and changed the mount name to hopefully use that but it doesnt seem to like that either....

Here is a log and the screen shots...

Ive tried using the newest HB aswell as the last two versions.... I hope that the behaviours are just in the wrong spot lol

also on another note I have a lot of old logs etc that Ive uploaded, is there anyway to delete them from the attachment manager? lol
[11:43:40:197] Unable to compile CustomBehavior for tag: <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" QuestId="0" X="3805.329" Y="6023.042" Z="-79.5155" />
[11:43:40:197] Errors:
[11:43:40:197] c:\Users\Selim\Desktop\WOW NEU\Quest Behaviors\MyCTM.cs(10,33) : error CS0234: Der Typ- oder Namespacename "Order" ist im Namespace "Styx.Logic.Profiles.Quest" nicht vorhanden. (Fehlt ein Assemblyverweis?)

download the behaviors for 4265+, you have the ones for 4129
[11:43:40:197] Unable to compile CustomBehavior for tag: <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" QuestId="0" X="3805.329" Y="6023.042" Z="-79.5155" />
[11:43:40:197] Errors:
[11:43:40:197] c:\Users\Selim\Desktop\WOW NEU\Quest Behaviors\MyCTM.cs(10,33) : error CS0234: Der Typ- oder Namespacename "Order" ist im Namespace "Styx.Logic.Profiles.Quest" nicht vorhanden. (Fehlt ein Assemblyverweis?)

download the behaviors for 4265+, you have the ones for 4129

Can't wait to get from 78-80 by questing... And then Cata here I come! :)
[11:43:40:197] Unable to compile CustomBehavior for tag: <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" QuestId="0" X="3805.329" Y="6023.042" Z="-79.5155" />
[11:43:40:197] Errors:
[11:43:40:197] c:\Users\Selim\Desktop\WOW NEU\Quest Behaviors\MyCTM.cs(10,33) : error CS0234: Der Typ- oder Namespacename "Order" ist im Namespace "Styx.Logic.Profiles.Quest" nicht vorhanden. (Fehlt ein Assemblyverweis?)

download the behaviors for 4265+, you have the ones for 4129

Thanks for your answer! Where can i get them ?!
Hey kick,

my bot wont start because of that:

Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 42684 in database.
Could not create current in quest bot!

what should i do with it? downloaded all the qb from your blog, using .4265

<Vendor Name="Sturmruferin Mylra" Entry="42684" Type="Repair" X="1243.871" Y="-206.9482" Z="463.8944" />
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Hey all, downloaded the plugin. Installed to plugin folder and i get..... "unhandled thread exception" appear and refuses to let me set up.... anyone please help me?
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