I see 2 Azenius and Questhelper plugins, however in hb\Plugins folder there is only one of each. What file I need to delete from settings folder to reset that menu?
Or at least that's how Id imagine to resolve double plugin problem. I know deleting whole settings folder makes them look like they should be, I just wouldn't want to setup my settings every time I start HB after updating the files from SVN. Yes Im not sure if this is realy generally releated to ur profiles or just HB, but I just leave this here.
Dont know what toon must do in this moment but he just running wild and do nothing at allthe log was 2Mb so i paste only the end
Hi Kick,
i have found little problems in [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick] (svn updated 12.05), without KillBetweenHotspots.
Quest: Too Close for Comfort (Too Close for Comfort - Quest - World of Warcraft)
Problem: he dont kill them and run around(wrong mob name??)
Quest: All's Fair in Love, War, and Archaeology (All's Fair in Love, War, and Archaeology - Quest - World of Warcraft)
Problem: the same.... I looked in the Profil and saw it missing the Mob Collection???? But i dont know if that the problem
i forgot the logfile i hope thats not a big problem for u.
user failed to copy over behaviors from quest behaviors folder (thoroughly read the first post before using my profiles!)So far so good, leveled to 38 in WPL with a NE druid. Getting this error.
View attachment 42038
Also says this.
all of my profiles are clearly marked as grind or quest... and you loaded grinding profiles. load the questing profile insteadCan't get it started, any chance you could give me some quick help?
not a profile issueThe profile is not killing the neutral (yellow) mobs for Gathering Some Grub(s).
View attachment 42027
user failed to copy over behaviors from quest behaviors folder (thoroughly read the first post before using my profiles!)Doing Sealing The Way in Deepholm tonight, threw an exception. Missing Quest behaviour? Snippet of log here and full log attached. Odd thing is I got this on one computer, but wife's priest ran through it an hour later without issue. I updated SVN within last 24 hours. I'm assuming user error but want to be safe.
When I have levled my chars up to 82 and starts Deepholm profile, it works very well to start with, but it always stops around the same place in Deepholm and do not do anything after that point. It just goes AFK. This was done with 4-5 of the chars I've tried and it's every time.