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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Maybe take a look at the Dragon QB in Hyjal "Smash and Burn!" ??? At the beginning everything works good, kills the 4 Dragon, then start to kill the 40 Elementals but he gets infight the flying Dragon there and dont kill them. Hope it is possible to get a detection if a Dragon is beating me target dragon and press button 2 to kill him, and go on with the 40 twilight elementals.

it's not that easy; the behavior will have to be re-written
Hi tried running the hyjal 80 to 82 profile for 2 days and it just stands in the same place mo mateeer where i start it from it flys to this place and just stands there. ive tried all the difff cc,s nothing works... heres a log

i see no issue with the profile
Isnt i possible, for Pitmaster, to get a QB that detect how far the pitmaster is? if he is X meter go to a given hotspot and kite him thru the dragon eggs, it works i did it by hand, takes a but of time but works. in the other time just use range weapons or as caster spells.

mastag just needs to make a modified runlikehell or something

what di I have to do to just let the LK ally profile quest at level 85?
It instantly loads Hyjal. Any hints/tips? :)


Obelisk of the Stars - Tried a few times. Moving in different directions from that particular zone: Air, to the left and to the right. Seems that zone has some issues. Thanks for taking a look!

Is there a local mesh we can download? I noticed each time I start my bot, I don't know if you guys update a lot, it seems to download and load each time I use my Appdata/Local meshes.

Quest: "Shaping Up" is where and when I keep seeing this nav error come up.

[3:24:59 AM:483] Could not generate full path from {-9206.19, -1563.19, 65.45271} to {-9185.5, -1553.5, -172.5595} (time used: 1.743 seconds)
[3:25:17 AM:027] Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True
[3:25:18 AM:445] Loading Kalimdor_34_49
[3:25:18 AM:543] Could not generate path from {-9147.999, -1598.765, 144.0794} to {-9185.5, -1553.5, -172.5595} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
[3:29:47 AM:264] Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True
[3:29:48 AM:920] Loading Kalimdor_34_49
[3:29:49 AM:017] Could not generate path from {-9147.999, -1598.765, 144.0794} to {-9185.5, -1553.5, -172.5595}
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im using Hyjal 80-82 [Kick] profile on a questing bot , sometimes when quest a complete , it goes to quest giver and try to turn it , the problem is it talks to the npc , click continue then close the windows and repeat , it doesnt turn it ?
You need the Hotspots for the Quest in Ashenvale i posted some Days ago? Where the Toon hasnt used the Item after he died. Because my Toon is now right there, and same Situation. Doesnt use the Item, run the Hotspots up and down but cant find the Shadow Mobs to kill, because he hasnt use the item to got into the shadow world.
You need the Hotspots for the Quest in Ashenvale i posted some Days ago? Where the Toon hasnt used the Item after he died. Because my Toon is now right there, and same Situation. Doesnt use the Item, run the Hotspots up and down but cant find the Shadow Mobs to kill, because he hasnt use the item to got into the shadow world.

yes i need the hotspots, you never posted them :o

you gave me hotspots to Twilight Highlands
Is there any temporary fix until the next honorbuddy update for the quest bot repeated turn in bug for high latency

During quest "Crumbling Defenses" the bot will constantly get right under the "Servant of Therazane" (Elite) and get hit by everything targeting and not targeting the toon. It looks like the bot/class Config are also interfering with one another such that they are trying to move to certain places opposite and nothing gets done since most abilities are cast times.



During quest "Crumbling Defenses" the bot will constantly get right under the "Servant of Therazane" (Elite) and get hit by everything targeting and not targeting the toon. It looks like the bot/class Config are also interfering with one another such that they are trying to move to certain places opposite and nothing gets done since most abilities are cast times.

it's a known issue, not my fault your cc doesn't kick in
Is this error generated when you drop a great distance or just from areas that aren't maped tiles? Any suggestions for fixing this issue with a plugin maybe?

could be from anything really. most commonly is your cc moved you w/o using mesh
could be from anything really. most commonly is your cc moved you w/o using mesh

Hmm ok, has there been a Singular update since Last night? If so maybe updating with the SVN will fix that.

Edit: There doesn't appear to be an update since I last downloaded. Can you direct me where I can get support for this error? It happens often while in certain areas of Deepholm, falling off cliffs. If it's already a work in progress please excuse my persistence.

it's a common issue with that area. i'll look into it

Thank you. I have experience in Java and am open to learning new languages if there is something small I might be able to help with please let me know.
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