Ok thank you, didnt know that, i'm new to botting so atm all i have running is the auto talent thing, Any tips on some other plugins i should be using![]()
Quest - Do the Imp-Possible
Had to restart 3 or 4 times HB till the Toon finished the quest. Toon tryed to turn in the Quest endless(need a plugin that restart a quest if cant turn in X times)
Hm he is interrupting againCant cast this Item till end. Will wait there with the Toon for testing. Hmmm maybe a WL CC (Singular) problem? tryed to press the Item by Hand while HB runs, but always interrupted.
And the last Mob, Skull Crusher, possible to force the Toon for a Turn in. Got it now 2 times, Toon beated Skull Crusher (really perfect!!) and has not enough Health/Mana, and is waiting there, in this Time the Mob gespawns and Toon starts to fight again.
<While Condition="((HasQuest(27606)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(27606)))" >
<RunTo X="-3620.305" Y="-6200.837" Z="5.459022" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" />
<RunTo X="-3620.305" Y="-6200.837" Z="5.459022" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" />
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(61928)" WaitTime="1000" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="15000" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="27606" MobId="46009" MobState="Alive" WaitForNpcs="False" X="-3621.387" Y="-6196.787" Z="5.911814" />
First of all - thanks for you profile pack. I know this was hard work
Unfortunately I have several major problems with this profiles - especially with the horde versions lvl58-68 Outlands...
One major problem that I cannot solve at the moment is in Terokkar forrest...
The Goal is to: "Free 8 Captives".
Well - there's no quest which requires to free 8 captives and the bot is moving around in the bone desert and killing everything...
Don't know how to solve the problem..
I can attach a Log later.
Horde - Quest - Deceivers In Our Midst
Hmm ... i dont know how long my Toons is now riding from one to the other Hotspot
But normaly he need to use the Item "Sindweller Blindfold", i think he died or something, but didnt checked if he has the Item used. Without this Item he cant kill the Jadefire Shifter 12x
Is it possible to check if he has "Sindweller Blindfold" as Buff, if not use it?
<While Condition="(HasQuest(28261)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(28261))">
<If Condition="(!Me.HasAura("Sindweller Blindfold"))" >
<UseItem ItemId="63419" QuestId="28261" X="6584.889" Y="-975.6223" Z="468.8419" />
<Factions>14 16</Factions>
<Hotspot X="6584.889" Y="-975.6223" Z="468.8419" />
<GrindTo Condition="(HasQuest(28261)) && (IsQuestCompleted(28261)) || (!Me.HasAura("Sindweller Blindfold"))" />
get me some hotspots real quick for those mobs please. i'll make a permafix (3-5 hotspots, and 1 copy xml of the jadefire noobs)
When i get the hotspots and dump - here's what it will look like:
Code:<While Condition="(HasQuest(28261)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(28261))"> <If Condition="(!Me.HasAura("Sindweller Blindfold"))" > <UseItem ItemId="63419" QuestId="28261" X="6584.889" Y="-975.6223" Z="468.8419" /> </If> <SetGrindArea> <GrindArea> <Factions>14 16</Factions> <Hotspots> <Hotspot X="6584.889" Y="-975.6223" Z="468.8419" /> </Hotspots> </GrindArea> </SetGrindArea> <GrindTo Condition="(HasQuest(28261)) && (IsQuestCompleted(28261)) || (!Me.HasAura("Sindweller Blindfold"))" /> </While>
Oh Hotspots are ok, its just the Toon didnt use the Item to get into this Shadow World to kill this Jadefire things. Everything is ok, it just need to check if he has the Buff, if not use the Item. Thats all. I used the Item by Hand and everything work perfect after this.
Why the bot don?t use Fly Mount when he is going to sell Vendor? (sry for my bad english)
I?am questing at Terrokar Forest
what does this mean?