Thank you so much for your profiles Kick, they are quite wonderful, I'm not working on 85 #8. One thing I have a concern about, I'm not in a position to upload my log file at the moment, but I wanted to ask, just in case someone else had the same problem and knew the answer off hand. In the northrend 68-80 horde quest profile, my toons (all cc's that i've tried so far) will go into a building, do their thing (pick up quest, use item, etc) and then stop and chill there. I have to manually make them leave the building/cave where they promptly mount up and continue the profile. Is there a setting or something that I'm missing that I need to check? (BTW, I know exactly what the log says, everytime it says "mounting" or "flying to .... ")
If you need a log file, I'll upload one later (few hours).