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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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ahh i love this new QB with this Stone Quest in Deepholm where you have to fight gainst the Dragon in the middle. Works good with my Hunter.
hope to see the other quests automatic too :)
Very nice profiles Kick. Did the whole Deepholm zone. Also I love the fact that the quests it can't do, like jumping on rocks in the sky, or riding a dragon, it tells you what to do :D Very neat.

Keep it up.
Very nice profiles Kick. Did the whole Deepholm zone. Also I love the fact that the quests it can't do, like jumping on rocks in the sky, or riding a dragon, it tells you what to do :D Very neat.

Keep it up.

re-svn... the rocks and riding a dragon have their own behaviors now :)
ahh i love this new QB with this Stone Quest in Deepholm where you have to fight gainst the Dragon in the middle. Works good with my Hunter.
hope to see the other quests automatic too :)

I have hired a C# vehicle behavior developer to get all of the cata quests with userdialog's done over the next few weeks. After that, all of the 'trouble' quests i'll have him re-run and fix the 'commonly stuck' quests
Quick shout for the amazing pack. Running pretty much flawlessly so far. 1-22 in no time at all with almost 100% AFK. Slight issues with autoequip but that's something I can resolve in my own time! Thank you very much bro.
I have hired a C# vehicle behavior developer to get all of the cata quests with userdialog's done over the next few weeks. After that, all of the 'trouble' quests i'll have him re-run and fix the 'commonly stuck' quests

Sounds really great! Please dont forget to test with Melee and Ranged ones. Some Quests in 80-85 work different in a Melee or Ranged Class. But if you finished it, i will test it too :) got some on lvl80 waiting to run 81-85.
Sounds really great! Please dont forget to test with Melee and Ranged ones. Some Quests in 80-85 work different in a Melee or Ranged Class. But if you finished it, i will test it too :) got some on lvl80 waiting to run 81-85.

yeah he is testing with a huntardedededed and a paladin i think... and a dk
Twilight Highlands - Horde

Always get Stuck there with Ranged Classes, LOS, everytime the same place.


Twilight Highlands - Horde

Always get Stuck there with Ranged Classes, LOS, everytime the same place.

[13:01:20:916] Goal: KillUntilComplete: "Dressed to Kill"

            <If Condition="((HasQuest(28151)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(28151)))" >
                <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="10" />
                <CustomBehavior File="KillUntilComplete" QuestId="28151" MobId="47765" MobId2="47768" X="-3134.454" Y="-4527.105" Z="178.6915" />
                <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="25" />


also, Kick's svn revision is > 1337 =)
Hey Kicks

I was using your 12-58 profile today, and I just saw that my bot was struggling with a quest in Redridge Mountains. It kept going up and down, killing mobs in a lake. But the quest had nothing to do with killing mobs in a lake. It was about finding a necklace hidden in a dirt pile under a bridge (or somewhere close to the bridge on the bottom of the lake). I watched it for quite a while, and it seemed to continue to struggle with it, until I turned the bot off and did it manually.

Hilary's Necklace - Quest - World of Warcraft

This is the quest.

Didn't know if this was the right place to post it or not...

I've + repped you, and I might give you lunch someday, since this is one kickass profile :)
Hey Kicks

I was using your 12-58 profile today, and I just saw that my bot was struggling with a quest in Redridge Mountains. It kept going up and down, killing mobs in a lake. But the quest had nothing to do with killing mobs in a lake. It was about finding a necklace hidden in a dirt pile under a bridge (or somewhere close to the bridge on the bottom of the lake). I watched it for quite a while, and it seemed to continue to struggle with it, until I turned the bot off and did it manually.

Hilary's Necklace - Quest - World of Warcraft

This is the quest.

Didn't know if this was the right place to post it or not...

I've + repped you, and I might give you lunch someday, since this is one kickass profile :)

pull distance issue... i've tweaked it

re-svn and that should fix it
Hi, I was trying to do the Therazane rep quest for the first time today. After my toon enters the cave he stand in one spot and starts mounting over and over again and never does the quests.


I'm trying to run the Netherwing rep profile, it goes to the daily quest vendor but won't accept, just clicks him > cancels > clicks > cancels over and over.

I tried to accept but it just continues.
Character is stuck with my lvl 45 warrior. He is in Orgrimmar and tries to get quests for felwood, but this is not working. He is at the top of the elevator waiting for the elevator and going down to the auction house, stand at the mailboox for 10 seconds adn don't do anything. Than movin to the vendor. Next step is flying to nothern azshara to train (all spells trained) so he uses the elevator again. stand there until i try to move him and he goes back to the elevator. So i move him on the platform, now he is moving to aszhara, running to the mine field and back to Orgrimmar. And what is he doing there??Yes, the same round again...

View attachment 22.04.2012_23_37 5680 Log.txt
View attachment 22.04.2012_23_45 4068 Log.txt
my quest bot for 12-58 horde just keeps on going to the flight master and bringing up the flight menu and just sitting there and will not do anything from there? is this a bug or do i have something set wrong maybe? just started using these profiles and they are all Great so far except for this little problem
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