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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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There are some bad Stuck places :( dont have really big problems there with the Elite, ok toon dies 1-10x but the stuck places are really bad there.
I haven't actually gotten stuck in there yet, but I die like crazy because of that elite. Was just wondering if that part of the profile could be edited out or something. If it's a problem, and it's a pain in the ass to do, it's ok. I'll just leave it as is, and I'll just not worry about the deaths or whatever and move on. It's not a big deal.
I just reached level 60 and my night elf didn't train to get a flying mount?
I just reached level 60 and my night elf didn't train to get a flying mount?

It doesn't buy it till it switches to Zangamarash (or however you spell it) I think.
The profile also states it doesn't fly till it Zangamarash.
Still the Problem with Toon if need to Sell or Repair something in Deepholm. Toon trys to get to the Temple by Groundmount, but mostly stop at a Cliff. Possible for you to do something like if need to repair or sell go flyto or force or something?! :)
And to come back to the Quest Area, use Fly to, otherwise Toon will stay in the Groundfloor and cant get up in the upper ones :)

this is an internal bot issue

if you give me a list of quests that i can (forcesell / forcerepair) and (forcesell, forcerepair, forcemail) then I will most def add them in... and hopefully it will fix most issues of that
@Zeldrak - I've never had an issue with Garginox. but I'm sure we have quests in that area

<Mob Name="Garginox" Entry="45681" />
he's on avoidmobs for ally, i just now added him to avoid on horde. are you horde? or alliance?

Garginox - NPC - World of Warcraft
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I started the profile at level 64, it done SOME quests in Terokkar and they was just grinding on mobs until it hit level 66. Moved to Nagrand, and now it's done the same thing. It did successfully grind Kurenei rep from Ogres, took a few quests, completed them and now it's still grinding on mobs without any reason.

Anyway I can fix this?
How To Attach A Log [Kick]
No Issue. But the Quest "Sealing the Way". My Hunter doesnt Attack the Troogs in the Area where the NPC is.
Maybe get a QB to say kill Mob ID in a Radius X or something, maybe all kind of Toons, with and without Pet, will Kill the Troggs there before speak to the NPC.

it should be interacting with those guys

i'll stick it on the to-do list
Hey mate. Can you help me with a little problem?

Im using your leveling profile, with my lowbie rogue 1-12 goblin area, but my bot doesnt buy my new skills? Is it me who's doing something wrong, I think i've tried everything
Hey mate. Can you help me with a little problem?

Im using your leveling profile, with my lowbie rogue 1-12 goblin area, but my bot doesnt buy my new skills? Is it me who's doing something wrong, I think i've tried everything

i have disabled them in that zone... but i force train a few times
Thanks alot for the quick reply! So just for a short question, Do it auto train when i switch zone after lvl 12?
Thanks alot for the quick reply! So just for a short question, Do it auto train when i switch zone after lvl 12?

yep it will auto train every 2 levels after you go to durator... up until like lvl 40, then i disable it and forcetrain when going to felwood... and then when going to bc i think
this is an internal bot issue

if you give me a list of quests that i can (forcesell / forcerepair) and (forcesell, forcerepair, forcemail) then I will most def add them in... and hopefully it will fix most issues of that

Hm hard to say. so how many quests are in deepholm 110 ... maybe do first force repair/sell on moving to deepholm and then every 20/30 quests. i think better go one more time to the vendor than stay afk at a cliff.

maybe ask a dev if it isnt possible to get something in hb core to tell if you are 80-85 you can always fly to vendor. in the next expansion it isnt possible i heared 85-89 at 90 you can fly or maybe earlier. but would be great for the quest bot to get this into core.
Hm hard to say. so how many quests are in deepholm 110 ... maybe do first force repair/sell on moving to deepholm and then every 20/30 quests. i think better go one more time to the vendor than stay afk at a cliff.

If you (or anyone reading this) can get me a list of quests to which we're near a vendor ... i'll force sell (non-repair vendor), force sell / repair (repair vendor), and force sell repair mail (if we're at the temple)

Can you (or someone reading this) get me a list of questid's that have Turnin's in these locations?
Im starting Deepholme quests now. There is a couple of vendors by the center

Deepholm, Realm of Earth - Quest - World of Warcraft, Quest turnin, close to vendors : Dugsley Deepdelver Dugsley Deepdelver - NPC - World of Warcraft repair and vendor.

		<If Condition="Me.IsAlliance" > <!-- Set Vendor and Mailbox -->
			<Vendor Name="Rocky Cliffedge" Entry="44972" Type="Repair" X="666.938" Y="1779.79" Z="341" /> <!-- Fractured Front - West -->
			<Vendor Name="Earthmender Doros" Entry="45363" Type="Repair" X="54.9115" Y="-274.955" Z="208.6113" /> <!-- Twilight Overlook - SE -->
			<Vendor Name="Dugsley Deepdelver" Entry="45294" Type="Repair" X="1052.99" Y="636.936" Z="-45.87071" /> <!-- Alliance -->
				<Mailbox X="1050.438" Y="635.0461" Z="-45.78476" /> <!-- Alliance -->

		<If Condition="Me.IsHorde" > <!-- Set Vendor and Mailbox -->
			<Vendor Name="Rocky Cliffedge" Entry="44972" Type="Repair" X="666.938" Y="1779.79" Z="341" /> <!-- Fractured Front - West -->
			<Vendor Name="Earthmender Doros" Entry="45363" Type="Repair" X="54.9115" Y="-274.955" Z="208.6113" /> <!-- Twilight Overlook - SE -->
			<Vendor Name="Rixi &quot;The Digger&quot; Bombdigger" Entry="45293" Type="Repair" X="1091.19" Y="436.332" Z="-45.96808" /> <!-- Horde Repair -->
				<Mailbox X="1089.276" Y="436.3907" Z="-45.83395" /> <!-- Horde -->
hot damn you're fast... I'll just edit my last post whenever i reach another vendor on the quest line.
hot damn you're fast... I'll just edit my last post whenever i reach another vendor on the quest line.

i do need food vendors as well. I don't know if I will enable them or not... i'd rather a toon rest for mana / hp vs getting stuck trying to buy damn food / water.
Hi, sorry if this isn't the correct section to post this is but I have an issue.

I am using your 58-70 Alliance profile, I started using it at level 64 and it was working fine in Terokkar Forest, picking up quests, completing them and handing them in. Then all of a sudden it stopped picking them up and started grinding on mobs until level 66. At which point it then moved to Nagrand, grinded on Orgres for Kurenai rep (100% successful btw, GJ) picked up and few quests, completed them and handed them in, again.

Now it has done the same thing and is just permanently grinding on mobs (Tortured Earth Spirit & Dust Howler's) and looping in the same area. HB says it is killing for Quest Items but I don't have any quests which involve any of these mobs (and it has picked up ALL available quests) and it isn't even looting them.

Kind of frustrating for me as I'm currently using a 24 hour key and cannot level :(

Any kind of help is appreciated. Thanks.
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