Hey, nice profile, but I have a problem, sometimes it will go to the flight master and open the window to choose a flight path, but then just stands there and does nothing
read the first post.Hello its kinda disturbing that I do quest on low levels like i'm at level 33 and are doing lvl 26 quest and i'm wearing heirlooms that's maybe the problem but how can I change so it's do normal quest for my level?
Is it normal for the profile to start doing Southern Barrens at lvl 21? It's been your profiles up until now and for some reason it wants to fly to southern barrens and get killed.
I think I figured it out. In the latest SVN release of the profile, <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > is set to True, instead of False. I just changed the profile to show False and everything's been working great since! Hope this helps!I have the same issue, it's trying to go train or sell and repair to somewhere else than Crossroads. I don't know how to fix it maybe add vendor IDs in the profile?
Food: <Hotspot X="4178.4" Y="5278.535" Z="26.6933" />
Flight: <Hotspot X="4128.064" Y="5311.933" Z="28.67566" />
Repair: <Hotspot X="4136.792" Y="5282.132" Z="25.08553" />
Btw (unrelated issue but important).. The profile fail at Fizzcrank inn elevator. It performs a jump then go back a tad missing the elevator with a tiny tad (enought to not get up), then try again and keeps looping this. Dangerous for afk botters. Sure ban lol.
I'm level 39. I can't get my bot to actually quest where it is suppose to. it keeps mounting and running to Westfall and sitting there. I've gone through the profile and changed the checkpoint target levels, but it still does the same thing over and over again. It's quite frustrating. Please help
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Hi i am running this profile and its working great.
But it keeps saying something about "you need to be in northern stranglethorn". i dont know if it's the CC or the profile, the but keeps going it's just anoying too look at.