Hey, im currently levellign my priest. He's lvl 29 and fucking around in ashenvale, mobs there are 19-22 or something and gives no xp. Also it stop attacking the mobs at lvl 19 now, and just standing still till dead. Also it's having major problems with mining/herb bags, cant figure out when to sell etc. this last one is probably not your area though.
sometimes gets stuck trying to sell items just talks to vendor opens bags then repeats anyone else having the same problem?
sometimes gets stuck trying to sell items just talks to vendor opens bags then repeats anyone else having the same problem?
My bot stuck on a broken quest in ashenvale.
"To the rescue!" from "kadak" at the camp between ashenvale and barrens.
same, i dont know how to get the bot back on track
Hearthed to oggrimar. and pressed start..
headed right back to ashenvale, and tried to the the 'To the rescue' quest again.
is there a way to avoid this quest and move on?
How I can make that go to train every 4-6 lvls and not ALWAYS I get a level up?
Sometimes, it going to train (SW) and no get new spells lol. This causes you to lose too much time.