[14:43:10:963] [Singular] Casting Horn of Winter on Myself
[14:43:10:964] Spell_C::CastSpell(57330, 0, 0x300000003DFD60C, 0) [1074]
[14:43:11:200] Changed POI to:Type: Hotspot, Loc: <683.8859, -21.60244, 50.61976>
[14:43:11:200] [BGBuddy]: Moving to DunBaldar [Reason: Vanndar Stormpike]
[14:43:11:354] Mounting: Acherus Deathcharger
[14:43:11:554] Spell_C::CastSpell(48778, 0, 0x0, 0) [1075]
[B][14:43:18:439] [STUCK] Got stuck at <-1081.415, -266.6118, 65.85693> on map 30
[14:43:18:446] [LogMeOut!]: Stuck detected (X="-1081,412" Y="-266,5981" Z="57,89237"). Number of consecutive stuck : 1/5[/B]
[14:43:18:459] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[14:43:18:459] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: False
[14:43:18:459] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[14:43:18:459] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: False
[14:43:18:459] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[14:43:18:459] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: False
[14:43:18:459] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[14:43:18:459] Stop and dismount... Reason: [STUCK] Dismounting
[14:43:19:084] [STUCK] Moving Forward for 750ms.
[14:43:19:859] [STUCK][DISMOUNT] Moved 9.96879. Need: 2.25. Result: True
[14:43:19:859] [STUCK] Dismount Worked
[14:43:20:578] Landmark Type: 32768 Control: HordeControlled
[14:43:20:578] Landmark Type: 1 Control: Uncontrolled
[14:43:20:578] Landmark Type: 4 Control: Destroyed
[14:43:20:578] Landmark Type: 8 Control: Destroyed