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I got the same problem.Kick --
I've been running this profile without many issues up until now. I'm continuously running into Quartermaster Kaoshin, which is located in Black Tooth Hovel in Burning Steppes. I've restarted the bot, deleted and re-SVNed your profile, and it continues to sort of bug out in this zone. The bot will get stuck on "Loading Tile/s" and it will continue to run up to the aforementioned mob and try to kill it when the bot says it going to turn in the quest "Grunt Work". Any ideas? I've attached a log, just in case.
Edit: It seems that the bot is also continuously trying to pick up this quest (Our Mortal Enemies - Quest - World of Warcraft) even at level 54 whenever it flies to Booty Bay. I can't figure out how to make it stop either.
Second Edit: The log isn't for the two edits. Somehow, deleting and redownloading the quest order, then restarting HB got me passed it, but this is the third time I've had to do this because it keeps tryign to pick up that quest I mentioned above. No idea why.
Thanks MadDog00700......Also Kick, When i started this on my level 58 shaman It picked up the first quest Arrival in Outlands, flew to Thralmar and stood by the flightmaster and the bot said it was waiting for the object to spawn, I stopped the profile and turned that quest in myself and started it up again and it worked fine, Im sorry I didn't attach a log, but, I somehow accidently deleted it.
Level 1, just ran immediately and started attacking high level mobs
I got the same problem.
Kick, when you running this profile, it's work perfect?
Try this one
make sure you guys svn daily; i fixed the ninja quest like a week or 2 ago
Is there a "right way" and "wrong way" to SVN things? SVN is new to me, so I'm still on the curve. I SVN everything no less than twice a day, and by everything I just mean anything that's got an SVN link to it such as CCs, plugins, bots, profiles, etc. I don't do anything to them. I just right-click and choose SVN Update. Should I be deleting and re-SVNing things, or does the SVN overwrite and replace?
na, just update and it should be g2g
the ninja quest shouldn't have any issues, dunno why you had issues... i ran 2 dorfs there just fine
i also re-fixed the 'standing at little boat' issue
Having problems in Borean Tundra and something cannot compile. Log file attached and listed below is a quick view of the log:
[FoxMon]: Updating HTML file
[Profile Message]: If the bot takes more than 10 seconds to move, it is compiling quests to see where you are - it's about 1 minute per zone completed
[Profile Message]: Compiling Borean Tundra Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Warsong Hold Quests
Unable to evaluate/compile condition in If tag. Please check your profile.
Honorbuddy stopped
FYI - I've SVN the latest files