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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Im 230 in skinning, and are just trying this profile. Its flying to the place, and running around, kill the mobs but don't loot them or skin.

What can i do, to make it work?
Hello kick, AMAZING profiles currently using this profile and just got stuck on one quest.

Location: Eastern Plaguelands
Current Level: 42
Quest Line: Starting with "To Kill With Purpose" To Kill With Purpose - Quest - World of Warcraft

After finishing this first quest I had this error in my logs.
Can not turn in quest Just a Drop in the Bucket (ID: 27454) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: False)
Could not create current in quest bot!

It did the first one and then when it went to the second quest "Catalysm" Catalysm - Quest - World of Warcraft
it kept talking to "Betina Bigglezink" Betina Bigglezink - NPC - World of Warcraft
trying to either get the quest or accept it I still have no clue.

After Completing Catalysm - Quest - World of Warcraft manually I started the bot and it worked fine.
I did a research and the quest "Catalysm" is a Auto Accept quest (Hostile).
Also another note when completing this quest its an Auto completion quest.

and so is "Just a Drop in the Bucket" Just a Drop in the Bucket - Quest - World of Warcraft Auto Accept. <---- Bot Completed this quest successfully
is the item for aura dead. I see your profile needs it but i cant find it anywhere.
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Hello kick, AMAZING profiles currently using this profile and just got stuck on one quest.

Location: Eastern Plaguelands
Current Level: 42
Quest Line: Starting with "To Kill With Purpose" To Kill With Purpose - Quest - World of Warcraft

After finishing this first quest I had this error in my logs.

It did the first one and then when it went to the second quest "Catalysm" Catalysm - Quest - World of Warcraft
it kept talking to "Betina Bigglezink" Betina Bigglezink - NPC - World of Warcraft
trying to either get the quest or accept it I still have no clue.

After Completing Catalysm - Quest - World of Warcraft manually I started the bot and it worked fine.
I did a research and the quest "Catalysm" is a Auto Accept quest (Hostile).
Also another note when completing this quest its an Auto completion quest.

and so is "Just a Drop in the Bucket" Just a Drop in the Bucket - Quest - World of Warcraft Auto Accept. <---- Bot Completed this quest successfully

something went wrong w/ your completelogquest thing

dunno, it's usually perfect unless you lag
I am sorry but how do you install a plugin?

I don't use honorbuddy much so please refrain from screaming at the screen in frustration lol

So here is where i am >kicks-scripts - Revision 1050: /trunk/Kick's Profiles/1-85 Questing Profile Pack/Plugins/ItemForAuraQuesthelper

do i install download all of this stuff?
ItemForAuraQuesthelper.cs Settings.cs

and put it in the plugin folder right?
you copy and paste the folder from the svn into your plugins folder
open hb after that
plugins button
tick said plugin

Hey, thanks so much for these profiles they are totally awesome.
I have one question and that is about training spells. Right now I'm "botting" a level 26 mage and it goes and trains spells everytimes possible (as it should). Is there anywhere in the xmls I can edit so it doesn't go and train so often?

it's either on or off; unless you manually add forcetrain behaviors in the profile; which i am not going to do

open the profile and search for 'trainnewskills' and change true to false and it won't train at all
Just started doing this with my rogue...at level 3 it gets hung up when talking to 'David Trias <Rogue Trainer>'. It keeps talking to him and wouldn't complete the Encrypted Scroll quest.

EDIT: I didn't have your ItemsForAura plugin setup, which I just noticed.

Question: Can the Quest Behaviors be saved in a folder within the existing HB Quest Behaviors folder?
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There are alot of quest glitches on this. I have noticed throughout levelling. Don't tell me to post a log because there are literately 10-25 broken quests. I notice a few in each zone, so this shouldn't be in the tested profiles section. It's for scritps that work withoout any help from you beginning to end. I find honorbuddy really only good for grinding now.
There are alot of quest glitches on this. I have noticed throughout levelling. Don't tell me to post a log because there are literately 10-25 broken quests. I notice a few in each zone, so this shouldn't be in the tested profiles section. It's for scritps that work withoout any help from you beginning to end. I find honorbuddy really only good for grinding now.

thank you for being so thorough and explaining exactly what the issue with what said quests

if you don't give me information your posts will be archived

i don't always need logs if I know what the issue is and if the issue was explained clearly and thoroughly

As far as your tested comment... if you think you can do better, then try it. This thing is 99% afk (profile wise) - the main issues are CC, Mesh, Bot... which I don't have control over; so make sure that you take those into account before dissing my profiles
thank you for being so thorough and explaining exactly what the issue with what said quests

if you don't give me information your posts will be archived

i don't always need logs if I know what the issue is and if the issue was explained clearly and thoroughly

As far as your tested comment... if you think you can do better, then try it. This thing is 99% afk (profile wise) - the main issues are CC, Mesh, Bot... which I don't have control over; so make sure that you take those into account before dissing my profiles

Next time I find a broken quest I'll report it here.

And btw, I wasn't dissing your profile, sorry I don't know much about the bots yet so I didn't know whether it was the profile that was fucked up or the bot itself.
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Just started doing this with my rogue...at level 3 it gets hung up when talking to 'David Trias <Rogue Trainer>'. It keeps talking to him and wouldn't complete the Encrypted Scroll quest.

EDIT: I didn't have your ItemsForAura plugin setup, which I just noticed.

Question: Can the Quest Behaviors be saved in a folder within the existing HB Quest Behaviors folder?

ya you just copy / paste

as far as the rogue quest... i dunno what the issue is - i've never had anyone complain about it

does the rogue have enough copper to train?
I moved past the rogue trainer issue...however, I'm stuck again at level 5.

Talking to Deathguard Simmer and it just keeps opening up the dialog, trying to turn in Vital Intelligence. The quest requires the 'Scarlet Crusade Document', which I have, but its not completing it. This behavior seems common the the 3 quests i've had up to this point that involve a 'required item'.


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I moved past the rogue trainer issue...however, I'm stuck again at level 5.

Talking to Deathguard Simmer and it just keeps opening up the dialog, trying to turn in Vital Intelligence. The quest requires the 'Scarlet Crusade Document', which I have, but its not completing it. This behavior seems common the the 3 quests i've had up to this point that involve a 'required item'.

you're having major issues - reinstall hb from scratch
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