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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Nice job cleaning up a lot of the little bugs! I noticed that a couple of times now in Terrokar forest I get the following:

[1:37:22 AM:859] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Me\Documents\Buddyall\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\AscendInWater.cs'
[1:37:22 AM:870] Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
[1:37:22 AM:870] Could not find file 'C:\Users\Me\Documents\Buddyall\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\AscendInWater.cs'.

I've double checked that the Quest Behavior doesn't exist in your SVN folder. Let me know if you want the full log.

it's hb shipped in 5494
Ye i did.

Loop stuck around elevator in warsong hold. Keeps waiting for elevator, when it arrives, he jumps onto elevator, and runs back off..View attachment 31301

Something seems off.. Ive been waiting for the same object to spawn for over one and a half hour now. View attachment 31304


<PickUp QuestName="Merciful Freedom" QuestId="11676" GiverName="Shadowstalker Canarius" GiverId="25438" />

that quest did just fine when i ran it a few days ago.

how many prisoners are freed?
Hey, really looking to get started on this profile and I am fairly new to this bot after switching over from pirox. I think I may be missing something tho. Starting this up on my lvl 36 shaman, so I changed the questorder command to false and I went to dustwallow marsh since thats there current quest zone according to the command board in Orgimmar. So I started the bot and it says compiling quest list and then it mounts up and rides to southern barrens and heads to quest givers there but doesnt pick anything up. So I stopped bot and then turned questorder command to true and then it mounts up and rides to Northern barrons.. the whole time HB is saying "moving to type: questpickup".. at this point i stopped because all he is doing is ride around so Im just looking for some help as a noob to HB :(
Getting this error when I start it up

[1:04:12 AM:454] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[1:04:17 AM:652] Activity: Loading Profile...
[1:04:39 AM:435] Cleared POI
[1:04:39 AM:436] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[1:04:39 AM:437] Cleared POI
[1:04:40 AM:362] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g1s47c]
[1:04:40 AM:388] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[1:04:40 AM:935] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Zach\Desktop\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5494\Quest Behaviors\Message.cs'
[1:04:41 AM:356] Compiling expression '(Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Riding).CurrentValue < 150) && (Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Riding).CurrentValue > 1)' @ line 5517
[1:04:41 AM:695] Compiling expression '(!IsQuestCompleted(27527))' @ line 5529
[1:04:41 AM:960] Compiling expression '((HasQuest(27371)) && (IsQuestCompleted(27371)))' @ line 5542
[1:04:42 AM:247] Stop called!
[1:04:42 AM:308] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[1:04:42 AM:327] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
[1:04:42 AM:327] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
Updated and there it is! Thanks. I have to say it again... thank-you for all of your amazing work!

(P.S. Donated. Merry Christmas!)
Hey, really looking to get started on this profile and I am fairly new to this bot after switching over from pirox. I think I may be missing something tho. Starting this up on my lvl 36 shaman, so I changed the questorder command to false and I went to dustwallow marsh since thats there current quest zone according to the command board in Orgimmar. So I started the bot and it says compiling quest list and then it mounts up and rides to southern barrens and heads to quest givers there but doesnt pick anything up. So I stopped bot and then turned questorder command to true and then it mounts up and rides to Northern barrons.. the whole time HB is saying "moving to type: questpickup".. at this point i stopped because all he is doing is ride around so Im just looking for some help as a noob to HB :(

if you false the checkpoints - which is recommended since you have quested on that toon... and it's stuck at the callboard then you manually completed a 'go-to' quest (ie: go to s. barrens) or you're too high for it (which you shouldn't be with false checkpoints)

anyways, if you want assistance, you'll have to attach a log so i can see what's wrong

Latest Cata profiles from SVN are not working. I'm getting this message in HB:
"Знак "<", шестнадцатеричное значение 0x3C, не может стоять в начале имени. Строка 405, позиция 2."
BTW, SVN is not available today
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Latest Cata profiles from SVN are not working. I'm getting this message in HB:
"Знак "<", шестнадцатеричное значение 0x3C, не может стоять в начале имени. Строка 405, позиция 2."
BTW, SVN is not available today

re-svn again, you must have gotten a bad download
got it right now, thanks. But the profile is still unusable. It says the sign < in hexadecimal
0x3C cannot be in the beginning of the name. Row 405 position 2
got it right now, thanks. But the profile is still unusable. It says the sign < in hexadecimal
0x3C cannot be in the beginning of the name. Row 405 position 2

i understand what it says, but that line is this:

<Quest Id="25381" Name="Fighting Fire With ... Anything">
<Objective Type="KillMob" MobId="39939" KillCount="10">
<Hotspot X="5193.479" Y="-1424.29" Z="1356.529" />
<Hotspot X="5177.936" Y="-1300.185" Z="1364.862" />
<Hotspot X="5091.692" Y="-1331.489" Z="1353.947" />
<Hotspot X="5113.199" Y="-1393.07" Z="1348.123" />
<Hotspot X="5045.069" Y="-1403.761" Z="1338.97" />
<Hotspot X="5114.111" Y="-1463.974" Z="1344.255" />
<Hotspot X="5021.386" Y="-1504.301" Z="1332.249" />

which is just a quest override and it hasn't changed

sometimes googlecode bugs out and doesn't send you all of the profile

delete hyjal and re-svn again and see what happens
I redownloaded the whole pack, and it helped. Thanks. I had some files with weird names like .xml.r937 and .xml.mine
[AutoEquip]: You have not selected a weapon style yet. Please open the configuration and check your settings.

How to fix that? :O

Great profile btw!
i'm using kicks profiles for leveling a paladin, he is lvl 65 and in zangarmarsh right now. he is way ahead in levels due to the level items. problem is, i can't continue questing because the bot would get stuck at the bridges there. he can't seem to figure out how to rund around the bridge, instead he wants to go through them. here some examples:

Got stuck at <-310.0677, 4724.391, 27.03008> on map 530
Got stuck at <-1308.057, 5815.249, 13.32461> on map 530
Got stuck at <-1307.374, 5813.763, 12.89989> on map 530
Got stuck at <291.4762, 7963.687, 27.54128> on map 530
Got stuck at <237.3826, 6444.005, 30.56745> on map 530
Got stuck at <-490.4272, 5942.565, 28.74242> on map 530
Got stuck at <-619.9465, 5854.5, 31.73601> on map 530
Got stuck at <-800.1564, 5781.56, 23.55202> on map 530
Got stuck at <369.9105, 6350.825, 28.10722> on map 530
Got stuck at <126.7599, 6116.296, 23.75228> on map 530


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