My characters got hung up leaving Deadmines on a quest. Zoned in, waited for the cinematic and zoned out just fine, but then once outside the character runs left into a wall trying to move to specific coordinates. Happened with two different characters.
I apologize I didn't write down the quest or get info for you. I will try to find it and will edit here if needed.
Thanks for all your great work!
Here ya go.
re-svn and let me know if that fixes it
also, did you do any manual quests? i don't even have 8278 in my profile at all
Ya sometimes i just accept all quests in the area if the bot gets stuck, sometimes that works.
Ok re-svned, abandoned all quests in the area to start over, then changed questorder to false because it wanted to go back to fellwood. Now i'm having the same problem where he is trying to accept a quest that isn't there, which i've had the same problem as this level before, he's trying to accept quest: Call of the Warmatron #28865.
should i just let it finish all of the fellwood and winterstpring quests just so i can be back in order?
Curious... I know that you can configure the levelling to include automailing to an alt or something, but what about just vendoring almost everything cept food/drink and really nice (blue+) gear? Is there any way to set that up?
just delete silithus and manually go over the blasted lands
you have a lot of issues that i've never seen (that quest is a 'go to blasted lands' quest)
You mean delete silithis from the profile? How do i do that?
Hey bro.. First of all, very great profile! and thanks for all your work.
My question: Any way to make the worgen use the racial mount? Because atm my char is just running around on foot -.-..
Thx in the future
Here's a quickie question.... If I'm leveling a hunter, does it automatically change/upgrade/talent spec the pets?