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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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iam new in hb so i dunno what i post, but my char lvl 29 continue to move in front and back and do nothing : )

1) that is not a log, never copy / paste the debug into the thread
2) the fp updating is a bot issue; you'll just have to turn off flight paths until the devs fix it
Hi can you tell me what i am doing wrong please, nothing happens just stands there
Lvl 19 Lock
have changed profile to <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckpoints="False" >
standing in SW as unsure what quests i have done or not done



Hi can you tell me what i am doing wrong please, nothing happens just stands there
Lvl 19 Lock
have changed profile to <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckpoints="False" >
standing in SW as unsure what quests i have done or not done


[11:44:58 a.m.:218] Changing current profile to [A - Quest] Human 12-58 [Kick]
[11:44:58 a.m.:346]
[11:44:58 a.m.:942] Cleared POI
[11:44:58 a.m.:943] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[11:44:58 a.m.:945] Cleared POI
[11:45:01 a.m.:379] [CrittersAchievement]: Update search criteria..
[11:45:03 a.m.:343] [CrittersAchievement]: [To All The Squirrels I've Loved Before] (4/21) uncomplete! Search and love..
[11:45:04 a.m.:221] [CrittersAchievement]: [To All The Squirrels Who Shared My Life] (0/12) uncomplete! Search and love..
[11:45:05 a.m.:588] [CrittersAchievement]: [To All the Squirrels Who Cared for Me] (0/13) uncomplete! Search and love..
[11:45:07 a.m.:114] [CrittersAchievement]: [Pest Control] (2/18) uncomplete! Search and destroy..
[11:45:08 a.m.:575] [OpenThatStuff]: Active
[11:45:27 a.m.:914]
[11:46:49 a.m.:492] Rarekiller Part Keypresser: Move around

[11:44:05 a.m.:978] EnabledPlugins:
[11:44:05 a.m.:978] [CrittersAchievement]
[11:44:05 a.m.:978] Anti-Drown
[11:44:05 a.m.:978] AutoEquip2
[11:44:05 a.m.:978] Azenius
[11:44:05 a.m.:978] Bug Submitter
[11:44:05 a.m.:978] GetItRightGetItTight
[11:44:05 a.m.:978] OpenThatStuff
[11:44:05 a.m.:978] Questhelper - ItemForAura
[11:44:05 a.m.:978] Rare Mob Killer
[11:44:05 a.m.:978] Refreshment Detection
[11:44:05 a.m.:978] Talented

disable critters, azenius, get it right, openthatstuff, rarekiller and try again
found the problem Singular doesnt work as soon as i changed to using CC Zerfall everything worked fine.

i did try with no plugins enabled and it made no difference.
Hey, just a quick question, the bot seems to be trying to take the same quest over and over even though it's already completed. Is there any way to stop it doing this, or skip the quest it's trying to do?



Hey, just a quick question, the bot seems to be trying to take the same quest over and over even though it's already completed. Is there any way to stop it doing this, or skip the quest it's trying to do?


yours is loading meshes ... always check the nav and debug tab before 'bug reporting'
Oww. 12-58 alliance quest line is bugged. From Redridge and STV it start run back and forth between hotspots before flightmasters. Its suppose to fly to another camp but it just doesnt.

Here is a snapshot of the log.

[8:04:00 AM:609] Cleared POI
[8:04:00 AM:812] Changed POI to:Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:01 AM:078] Moving to Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:01 AM:140] Flight time: 00:03:28
[8:04:01 AM:140] Run Time: 00:12:02
[8:04:01 AM:140] Difference: 514
[8:04:01 AM:140] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[8:04:01 AM:421] Could not find vendor: '' blacklisting!
[8:04:01 AM:421] Cleared POI - Reason Vendor was blacklisted
[8:04:01 AM:421] Cleared POI
[8:04:01 AM:703] Changed POI to:Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:01 AM:953] Moving to Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:14 AM:281] 
[8:04:14 AM:500] Moving to Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:16 AM:250] Flight time: 00:03:50
[8:04:16 AM:250] Run Time: 00:11:39
[8:04:16 AM:250] Difference: 469
[8:04:16 AM:250] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[8:04:16 AM:578] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[8:04:24 AM:750] 
[8:04:24 AM:921] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[8:04:25 AM:546] 
[8:04:25 AM:765] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[8:04:29 AM:734] Could not find vendor: '' blacklisting!
[8:04:29 AM:734] Cleared POI - Reason Vendor was blacklisted
[8:04:29 AM:734] Cleared POI
[8:04:30 AM:000] Changed POI to:Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:30 AM:281] Moving to Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:30 AM:328] Successfully generated path from {-9447.378, -2836.577, 64.66542} to {-9472.802, -5.326606, 49.79485} in 50 milliseconds
[8:04:31 AM:281] Flight time: 00:03:29
[8:04:31 AM:281] Run Time: 00:12:01
[8:04:31 AM:281] Difference: 512
[8:04:31 AM:281] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[8:04:31 AM:515] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[8:04:31 AM:875] Could not find vendor: '' blacklisting!
[8:04:31 AM:875] Cleared POI - Reason Vendor was blacklisted
[8:04:31 AM:875] Cleared POI
[8:04:32 AM:109] Changed POI to:Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:32 AM:500] Moving to Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:33 AM:812] Stopping the bot!
[8:04:33 AM:812] Stop called!
[8:04:33 AM:812] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[8:04:33 AM:812] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
   at System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
[8:04:33 AM:812] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
Oww. 12-58 alliance quest line is bugged. From Redridge and STV it start run back and forth between hotspots before flightmasters. Its suppose to fly to another camp but it just doesnt.

Here is a snapshot of the log.

[8:04:00 AM:609] Cleared POI
[8:04:00 AM:812] Changed POI to:Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:01 AM:078] Moving to Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:01 AM:140] Flight time: 00:03:28
[8:04:01 AM:140] Run Time: 00:12:02
[8:04:01 AM:140] Difference: 514
[8:04:01 AM:140] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[8:04:01 AM:421] Could not find vendor: '' blacklisting!
[8:04:01 AM:421] Cleared POI - Reason Vendor was blacklisted
[8:04:01 AM:421] Cleared POI
[8:04:01 AM:703] Changed POI to:Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:01 AM:953] Moving to Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:14 AM:281] 
[8:04:14 AM:500] Moving to Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:16 AM:250] Flight time: 00:03:50
[8:04:16 AM:250] Run Time: 00:11:39
[8:04:16 AM:250] Difference: 469
[8:04:16 AM:250] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[8:04:16 AM:578] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[8:04:24 AM:750] 
[8:04:24 AM:921] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[8:04:25 AM:546] 
[8:04:25 AM:765] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[8:04:29 AM:734] Could not find vendor: '' blacklisting!
[8:04:29 AM:734] Cleared POI - Reason Vendor was blacklisted
[8:04:29 AM:734] Cleared POI
[8:04:30 AM:000] Changed POI to:Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:30 AM:281] Moving to Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:30 AM:328] Successfully generated path from {-9447.378, -2836.577, 64.66542} to {-9472.802, -5.326606, 49.79485} in 50 milliseconds
[8:04:31 AM:281] Flight time: 00:03:29
[8:04:31 AM:281] Run Time: 00:12:01
[8:04:31 AM:281] Difference: 512
[8:04:31 AM:281] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[8:04:31 AM:515] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[8:04:31 AM:875] Could not find vendor: '' blacklisting!
[8:04:31 AM:875] Cleared POI - Reason Vendor was blacklisted
[8:04:31 AM:875] Cleared POI
[8:04:32 AM:109] Changed POI to:Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:32 AM:500] Moving to Type: Train, Name: Maximillian Crowe
[8:04:33 AM:812] Stopping the bot!
[8:04:33 AM:812] Stop called!
[8:04:33 AM:812] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
[8:04:33 AM:812] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
   at System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
[8:04:33 AM:812] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()

not a profile issue; untick use fp's in settings
Where can it be disables to use fp's in settings. I cant find it :(

WIll the mesh be updated?

not for 'holidays' no
settings - advanced mode --> right side tick 'use flight paths'

none of these are profiles issues, please use the release thread for such issues
Zeth'gor Must Burn! quest, he doesn't light the torches in the right spot, therefore it's impossible to do the quest.
Hey Kick, my issue yesterday got no response. I attached a log and everything. Whats up?
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It works now. but it takes a long time to move from A to B :) ohwell i have run 24/7 so i got the time :)
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