[15:23:52:492] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: James Clark
[15:23:52:689] InteractDebug:605912872
[15:23:52:749] Interact Done:605912872
[15:23:53:602] Looting James Clark Guid:0xF530336700129BB5
[15:23:53:796] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
[15:23:53:796] Cleared POI
[15:23:54:326] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: James Clark
[15:23:54:586] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted
[15:23:54:586] Cleared POI
[15:23:54:787] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: James Clark
[15:23:54:913] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted
[15:23:54:913] Cleared POI
[15:23:55:112] Changed POI to:Type: Train, Name: Brother Wilhelm
[15:23:55:309] Moving to Type: Train, Name: Brother Wilhelm
[15:23:55:315] Flight time: 00:02:05
[15:23:55:315] Run Time: 00:05:21
[15:23:55:315] Difference: 196
[15:23:55:315] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[15:23:55:638] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[15:24:11:311] Could not find vendor: '' blacklisting!
[15:24:11:311] Cleared POI - Reason Vendor was blacklisted
[15:24:11:311] Cleared POI
[15:24:11:512] Changed POI to:Type: Train, Name: Brother Wilhelm
[15:24:11:708] Moving to Type: Train, Name: Brother Wilhelm
[15:24:11:714] Flight time: 00:01:40
[15:24:11:714] Run Time: 00:05:41
[15:24:11:714] Difference: 241
[15:24:11:714] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Use, Goldshire, Elwynn
[15:24:11:904] Could not find vendor: '' blacklisting!
[15:24:11:904] Cleared POI - Reason Vendor was blacklisted