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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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This is the best horde profile that works for me :)
have leveled 4x 70 twinks with this profile and have just hit start on my 5th and last horde char :D
Takes around 2 days with 8 hours break, full looms and pvp epics with epic gems and enchants :P
Im glad you made this profile because I didnt know how to lvl up all my 70s xD

This profile is supposed to level from 68-80, so you used it for 2 levels only?
small patch for troll starting quest (wait for mob to spawn before trying to interact)

edit: probably needs to be wrapped in a conditional oops


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Were several quests I'd say six or seven that apparently couldn't be picked up by a Tauren Druid. Other than that it was pretty flawless. Gonna make a tauren priest next just for giggles. Will mark which ones they were and post again.

Using Kick's 1-85 (A) Flying leveling guide, but in a lot of places my gnome gets stuck under mailboxes and it stands there for hours mounting up without moving, obv a bottish move. It should check if flying doesn't work 5 times then try moving?
I can't remember if I had the same problem as him, but it that quest did stop my bot for a while.
[14:56:07:363] Picking up The Black Shield : 27256
[14:56:07:363] Goal: Picking up The Black Shield
[14:56:07:367] Changed POI to:Type: QuestPickUp
[14:56:07:475] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[14:56:10:317] InteractDebug:523858040
[14:56:10:333] Interact Done:523858040
[14:56:12:416] Cleared POI - Reason Quest Completed
[14:56:12:416] Cleared POI
[14:56:12:807] Goal: Goal: Collect Acidic Venom Sac x 5
yours did it just fine :o
small patch for troll starting quest (wait for mob to spawn before trying to interact)

edit: probably needs to be wrapped in a conditional oops
<CustomBehavior QuestId="24626" File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="10000" />

added to profile
Were several quests I'd say six or seven that apparently couldn't be picked up by a Tauren Druid. Other than that it was pretty flawless. Gonna make a tauren priest next just for giggles. Will mark which ones they were and post again.


i've been meaning to re-run another horde, but i've been wanting more complaints than 1 or 2 quests per profile :(
There's actually been a few I've had to hand do over the past few days. (I only run it for an hour or two at a time). I'd really like this profile to get updated.. I don't like having to use the grinding method at low levels.. It's too sketchy for me.

Godspeed sir. : D
Having a problem with the training, when i go from Kalimdor too EPL. It's still reading the trainer in Kalimdor. Other than that, works like a charm!! :)

EDIT: Sorry i did not read the previous post!! I saw where someone had already addressed the issue.. apologies :)
hrmm... i looked at what i have and i already have these hotspots (or similar to) so i don't know why it won't loot the object

first off: are you using the HB shipped CollectThings, or the one in my SVN?

i'll speak w/ CJ about it

New Toon started the Quest, now it picks up the Muds on the Ground of the Sea, problem is, i think i was lucky with my first toons, cauz very time i got the key with the first pick. Now the new Toon picks up the Mud, but need more then 1 time and is swimming around and left 3-4 muds. you need more hotspots?

just stopped toon and picked the first mud by hand, *blink* the key :(
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hey kick, I love your script, I just hopped back to a old server where I have a toon I hand leveled to 51, I wish to finish it out using the questing scripts but he keeps running to low level areas, any way that I can tell it to go do the higher level quests until 58 when I can swap over to the other script and be on my way?
I've had nothing but nightmares with this profile. Its to a point that none of the quests it is trying to do can even be picked up. I remember this being much better off as an Orc hunter. Was having to edit the profile every 30 minutes or so to keep it running. Guess I'll grind this section on mixed mode.
I'm getting the bot saying this

"The drake will fly you there, use harpoon to jump drakes once you're there
To get off, select an orb and use harpoon on it

Press continue and i'll do some quests while we're here

Don't go far, you have a Turret quest soon"

I did one turrent quest already so maybe I should be past this? I know though there are two drakes sitting near by me, but neitehr I can ride. Any ideas?

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