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- Sep 1, 2010
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Attach your log plsI started leveling a warrior today. i Chose questing profile 12-58. he is level 15 so i changed to false in guide.
But he just stands in durotar. not picking up anything?
Attach your log plsI started leveling a warrior today. i Chose questing profile 12-58. he is level 15 so i changed to false in guide.
But he just stands in durotar. not picking up anything?
Attach your log pls
I did reply, and you did what you could have done when I asked.
I wash my hands of this mess.
I don't get paid to help you.
No one asked for your help. Someone else was nice enough to reply with a proper message asking for a log. You just trolled like a kid. Thank you for leaving.
No one asked for your help. Someone else was nice enough to reply with a proper message asking for a log. You just trolled like a kid. Thank you for leaving.
I'll admit I could have said it in a way to make you feel all warm inside, but that's not what I do.
Too many times, I've had to ask for logs. If you can unzip HB you should be able to zip your logs.
Good luck to ya.
Hope not doing what you should have done and complaining instead has helped you solve this problem in the fastest possible way.
You know something, you'll get alot more answers if you are polite to the people that are TRYING to help you.
and... for future reference, there are compression programs out there, you may have heard of one of them - winzip, winrar, 7-zip... text files compress 80% or more. Of course, deleting the log file and attaching a smaller one is probably the best option as was metioned since it makes it easier to find the problem.
That being said... hope you find your assistance... I like no1knowsy and have no interest in actually opening your log.
As far as I know, the only person that is paid to reply to people like you is Tony... the rest of us do so cause we like botting and we enjoy the community.
When you come off like an insolent child, you'll get very little help from other members. We'll spend our time helping those that appreciate the effort.
*Edit* BTW - another reason you have not had any replies to your request for assistance is that you were given instructions to delete the larger log and reproduce the error, then upload the smaller log... of which you ignored and just uploaded your 9mb log to a file sharing site and linked it (which is against the TOS here). So, you expect someone to download the file and give you the answer anyway even though you couldn't be bothered to follow simple instructions?
Good luck with that... (the funny thing is that I'm normally a pretty easy going guy... but when I see the outright disrespect you showed to a valued member of our community, it really ticks me off).
Closing my post before I say enough to get myself a temp ban here... lol
Sounds like you're raging over nothing. But thank you for making yourself look like a retard. I fixed the issue on my own after making some changes to this project. No reply from you or your buddy knowsky needed. The real coders like myself will take care of it from now on instead of offering to socialize with others in this thread.
So basically there is no way to just tell it to stop NSTV and start WPL. Was afraid of that. Thanks though.
So if I move my level 75 to the account I use for the bot, and run it for the first time, what will happen? Guess I will find out tonight.![]()
Where do you download the profile :s ? cant seem to find it? under svn or what its called either :S
Seems my paladin wont run to the target he is attacking nor will he face them if they end up behind him, meaning he just stands there and looks silly. Noticed it at the first couple of quests in outlands and it still does it. Kind of have to babysit alot. Also uses consecration way to much ending up in alot of downtime. Drinking after every pull. Ive tried changing the levels for resting up and all i can but does not seem to make any diffrence, conc gets used on 1 mob even after setting it as a 3+ spell and the resting occurs at 50% mana even tho i lowerd it to 20%.
Sorry about that... There's actually 2 stick points within that. I edited out the majority of the "Quest completed" and repeated interaction, and broke it in to the two parts where I stopped the bot to fix the first one.
Hopefully this is sufficient. If it isn't let me know. I am continuing to try to learn the language within the logs and profiles so that I can be more helpful. Thank you for your patience.
<If Condition="((!HasQuest(9923)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(9923)))" >
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-2555.256" Y="6274.743" Z="15.00747" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<PickUp QuestName="HELP!" QuestId="9923" GiverName="Corki" GiverId="18369" X="-2563.891" Y="6288.289" Z="15.21196" />
<While Condition="((HasQuest(9923)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(9923)))" >
<Objective QuestName="HELP!" QuestId="9923" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="25490" CollectCount="1" />
<!-- <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="9923" MobId="182349" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" CollectionDistance="50" X="-2561.18" Y="6287.326" Z="15.02709" /> -->
<RunTo QuestId="9923" X="-2561.774" Y="6287.741" Z="15.34327" />
<CustomBehavior File="BasicUseObject" QuestId="9923" ObjectId="182349" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="7000" GoalText="Waiting for quest to complete {TimeRemaining}" />
<Objective QuestName="The Ruins of Burning Blade" QuestId="9921" Type="KillMob" KillCount="8" MobId="17134" />
<Objective QuestName="The Ruins of Burning Blade" QuestId="9921" Type="KillMob" KillCount="8" MobId="17135" />
<If Condition="((HasQuest(9923)) && (IsQuestCompleted(9923)))" >
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-2563.329" Y="7261.376" Z="14.54596" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<TurnIn QuestName="HELP!" QuestId="9923" TurnInName="Arechron" TurnInId="18183" />
It actually mailed the feathers because I have it set to mail white items so I can collect things like cloth. Does protected cover mail?