well, got that solved by doing the quest manually

but now im stuck at a flight path, i just opens the screen and does nothing after that. The log keeps repeating the following:
[10:29:41 PM:332] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update
[10:29:41 PM:520] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[10:29:41 PM:520] Cleared POI
[10:29:41 PM:629] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update
[10:29:41 PM:940] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[10:29:41 PM:940] Cleared POI
[10:29:42 PM:044] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update
[10:29:42 PM:276] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[10:29:42 PM:276] Cleared POI
[10:29:42 PM:366] Changed POI to:Type: Fly, R: Update
[10:29:42 PM:650] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[10:29:42 PM:650] Cleared POI