[10:28:47 AM:929] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: True
[10:28:47 AM:929] Stop and dismount... Reason: [STUCK] Dismounting
[10:28:48 AM:458] [STUCK] Moving Forward for 750ms.
[10:28:49 AM:273] [STUCK][DISMOUNT] Moved 6.320272. Need: 4.025. Result: True
[10:28:49 AM:273] [STUCK] Dismount Worked
[10:28:54 AM:672] Spell_C::CastSpell(32240, 0, 0x0, 0) [409]
[10:30:56 AM:731] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g73s50c]
I have a level 65 Paladin that always end up standing around in Auchindoun doing nothing for no apparent reason.
Quests that he has are :
The infested Protectors
Wanted: Bonelashers Dead
Vessels of Power
The ELusive Ironjaw
I think maybe because there is not repair vendor set for this areas or something ?
I tried to post some images below but they do now show.
hello i have a problem he go in goldhain to the flight (fly) master then pop up the flight (fly) point map and stuck there with popped up flightpoint (fly) map where to fix this that the bot move on making quest ? usind profile 5-12 from kick at the moment please help me asap thanks
i repost this question because u delete it without any help i really cant use this programm if i cant fix my problem ?!?!
because you didn't post a log
attach on our forums, not on offsites
also, i just need the log.txt
Hey Kick, does this profile also work for level 85 characters?
I remember other profiles getting stuck with the quests you get from the board in Stormwind (forgot the name.. where you get the quests to uldum etc at later level. Is that fixed in yours?
View attachment 28676
View attachment 28679
View attachment 28678
View attachment 28677
Lets give this a shot heh
Tries to pick up.
[10:43:09:002] Picking up Off To Area 52 : 10183
[10:43:09:002] Goal: Picking up Off To Area 52
But canot at the moment he does not offer it, not sure why or if any other quest is needed, or if the quest is completed.
do i have to copy paste the quest behaviors to the hb qb folder?
[9:33:59 PM:132] Starting the bot!
[9:33:59 PM:546] Received error code from mesh server when attempting to get tile map for NexusLegendary: File not found
[9:33:59 PM:672] Failed to get tile map for NexusLegendary!
[9:33:59 PM:672] Tilemap is null!