Running Draenai [A - Quest] Draenei 1-5 [Kick].xml.
Received error: Can not turn in quest Rescue the Survivors! (ID: 9283) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: False)
Verified Quest not in Quest Log. Have not interacted with interface to do anything other than open inventory.
Log attached.
This is why it is broken:
<!-- female paladin - does this work for all classes? or no? I saw like 10 spellid's for this damn spell (gift of the naaru); 220xp isn't much
<PickUp QuestName="Rescue the Survivors!" QuestId="9283" GiverName="Zalduun" GiverId="16502" />
<CustomBehavior File="CastSpellOn" QuestId="9283" SpellId="59542" MobId="16483" NumOfTimes="1" MobHpPercentLeft="10" MinRange="5" X="-3966.271" Y="-13832.96" Z="81.91421" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Rescue the Survivors!" QuestId="9283" TurnInName="Zalduun" TurnInId="16502" />
<!-- ignoring class specific quests atm -->
If you could comment out the turn-in on SVN that would be great.