[Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick] - ?eta - Food Vendor and some little stuff.
Hi Kick.
I want to say thank you for all your profiles.
They have worked fabulously for almost everything I have used them for to date. At least nothing I recall being to terrible
3 problems I did want to mention. I think they are trivial, but you may want to know about them, and I didn't see any other threads to post issues. I am sorry if this is in the wrong place. I didn't include a log. These issues have shown repeatedly on both of the toons I have leveled using this profile, in the same spots.
Problem 1: There is a single food vendor listed in the vendors area. I don't think this should be a problem, except when my dk ran out of food in borean tundra, as he seems to do often, he mounted up on his death charger and started riding off chuck norris mode through all the mobs on his way to the food vendor. Now that shouldn't be a problem, except the only food vendor is <Vendor Name="Quartermaster McCarty" Entry="26375" Type="Food" X="4596.138" Y="-4237.277" Z="178.6546" />
and he is located in grizzly hills at the westfall brigade. That's a pretty long run to buy some salted venison to run back to borean tundra to kill gnolls at fizzcrank!
I am not sure if deleting that vendor will make him find appropriate vendors in the list of repair vendors or not. I just added some innkeepers and such in the zones as I watched him head through the areas. Seems to work with them added.
Problem 2: Fizzcrank airstrip. The quest giver on the top floor inside the inn, where you have to wait for the elevator is a real problem. There is a sequence of wait for the elevator, step on it... and then the bot jumps ... right through and off the back and to the floor. Since he missed the elevator, he sits there for some time, resets and does it again. This sequence would work I think, if he wasn't doing the "jump". I haven't found it in the code. Minor annoyance because I like watching these guys run so I am correcting it when I see it get there.
Problem 3: Westgarde Keep. Any quest from the commander on the top floor of the keep causes the bot to get lost on the way out. It Ping-Pongs between 2 points on the ground floor where the entrance goes to the stairs up to the parapets. Yes, this one should have a log to help you. I am sorry. I didn't think to get it when I saw it happen. But it does this every time there is a quest turn in to the commander, I think there are a total of 3 of these quests in this profile where it turns in the quest, runs down the stairs and then it's like it is trying to leave through the parapet access stairwell, but can't so it heads to the correct door, then changes its mind, then bounces like this until you stop it.
Sorry, no logs to help, so I guess you can ignore or whatever. My next toon I will try and watch when it gets there and include a log.
Great profiles though overall, and I appreciate them immensely.
thank you.