CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="46789" QuestId="13998" WaitTime="2000" X="-1201.702" Y="-2962.396" Z="87.77563"/>
<While Condition="HasQuest(13998) && !IsQuestCompleted(13998)">
<CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="46789" QuestId="13998" WaitTime="2000" X="-1201.702" Y="-2962.396" Z="87.77563"/>
[08:03:52:200] Could not generate path from {1677.4, -4461.293, 122.6152} to {981.939, 528.03, -49.3027} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
You know that svn folder that the alliance profile came in? Look for the one that says lk///[H-quest] LK 68-80 [KICK]hey kick is anyone working on a horde version of this? or is there a 78-85 leveling profile already somewhere? i couldn't find one any info would be great. Thanks
As said before: I'm working on this.i was testing it over the last days, its verry cool but the plugin :thundermarkegcollector is slowing down all waypoints so mutch ?!
Multiple people came up with this error Could not find quest with ID 27894!
When wil this bug be fixd, none other profile fits urs so im stuck now
Quest "Hot Lava" is not working, but you know this don?t you?
It just stands there and dosn?t do anything.
All the information the log gives is...
[18:15:27:713] Compiling quest behavior from 'E:\Games\HB\US\Quest Behaviors\UseItemTargetLocation.cs'
[18:15:28:130] Goal: UseItemTargetLocation: "Hot Lava"
So no error or anything, have the same issue with Azenius.
Line 1658.
Code:CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="46789" QuestId="13998" WaitTime="2000" X="-1201.702" Y="-2962.396" Z="87.77563"/>
If HB restart or you restart/reload profile it will go back ant try to do that again as there is no "If has quest id..."
This fixed the problem.
Code:<While Condition="HasQuest(13998) && !IsQuestCompleted(13998)"> <CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="46789" QuestId="13998" WaitTime="2000" X="-1201.702" Y="-2962.396" Z="87.77563"/> </While>
Keeps wanna update flight path, but it doesn't need to.. Cant make it stop....
First one is normal, the zep can take time before it gets there.
HB have had some problems with FP?s, should be fixed.
Also here is a problem kick, should be easy to fix, it does not put the mine on the human ship in northern barrens, states can not fin mob then stops the bot.
I am at work so can not test it myself.
Log View attachment 28027
first post has this:Which plugins should I use for quest profile?
Hey Kick, just dropping in to say my mage is level 56 about to start your other profile, I am at 2 days 5 hours. This was my first time so it was definitely a learning experience. Anyhow, thanks for the profiles and I am sure that other classes will work better, mages die A LOT >.> (78 times while going from 1 to 58)
???I try to find log but log wasnt there in log map , for the time I played ? :S
Hello good days, I am new in this and if someone can help me agradeceria am loading this file but until it has been in gilenas nice but now that it has come to lon modan it does not throw hechichoz it attacks with the barite, if someone can explain to me what I have to do am grateful for it to him. A lot of graces and pardon if I have put something that it is not necessary to to put. Pardon mistakes me of site and not to resign it