[8:24:01 PM:708] Goal: Interacting with Witch Doctor Unbagwa
[8:24:01 PM:741] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 4725]: Witch Doctor Unbagwa
[8:24:02 PM:045] Activity: Interacting with - Witch Doctor Unbagwa
[8:24:02 PM:045] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 4725]: Witch Doctor Unbagwa
[8:24:02 PM:045] InteractDebug:834157736
[8:24:02 PM:057] Interact Done:834157736
[8:24:02 PM:057] [InteractWith-v199(debug) @line 4725]: Witch Doctor Unbagwa
[8:24:05 PM:322] Goal: Waiting for 03s of 03s
[8:24:05 PM:322] Activity: Wait time remaining... 03s... of 03s
[8:24:05 PM:453] Goal: Waiting for 02s of 03s
[8:24:05 PM:453] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 03s
[8:24:06 PM:394] Goal: Waiting for 01s of 03s
[8:24:06 PM:394] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 03s
[8:24:07 PM:329] Goal: Waiting for 00s of 03s
[8:24:07 PM:329] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 03s
[8:24:08 PM:381] Goal: RunLua: In Progress
[8:24:08 PM:381] Activity: RunLua: CompleteQuest(); 1 number of times while waiting 1000 inbetween
[8:24:09 PM:587] Goal: Waiting for 02s of 02s
[8:24:09 PM:587] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 02s
[8:24:09 PM:713] Goal: Waiting for 01s of 02s
[8:24:09 PM:713] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 02s
[8:24:10 PM:649] Goal: Waiting for 00s of 02s
[8:24:10 PM:649] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 02s
[8:24:11 PM:677] Goal: Running Macro
[8:24:11 PM:677] [RunMacro-v184(debug) @line 4730]: Running macro 1 times
[8:24:11 PM:677] Activity: RunMacro 1/1 Times
[8:24:13 PM:700] Goal: Waiting for 25s of 25s
[8:24:13 PM:700] Activity: Wait time remaining... 25s... of 25s
[8:24:13 PM:860] Goal: Waiting for 24s of 25s
[8:24:13 PM:860] Activity: Wait time remaining... 24s... of 25s
[8:24:14 PM:755] Goal: Waiting for 23s of 25s
[8:24:14 PM:755] Activity: Wait time remaining... 23s... of 25s
[8:24:15 PM:813] Goal: Waiting for 22s of 25s
[8:24:15 PM:813] Activity: Wait time remaining... 22s... of 25s
[8:24:16 PM:713] Goal: Waiting for 21s of 25s
[8:24:16 PM:713] Activity: Wait time remaining... 21s... of 25s
[8:24:17 PM:769] Goal: Waiting for 20s of 25s
[8:24:17 PM:769] Activity: Wait time remaining... 20s... of 25s
[8:24:18 PM:825] Goal: Waiting for 19s of 25s
[8:24:18 PM:825] Activity: Wait time remaining... 19s... of 25s
[8:24:19 PM:749] Goal: Waiting for 18s of 25s
[8:24:19 PM:749] Activity: Wait time remaining... 18s... of 25s
[8:24:20 PM:704] Goal: Waiting for 17s of 25s
[8:24:20 PM:704] Activity: Wait time remaining... 17s... of 25s
[8:24:21 PM:760] Goal: Waiting for 16s of 25s
[8:24:21 PM:760] Activity: Wait time remaining... 16s... of 25s
[8:24:22 PM:809] Goal: Waiting for 15s of 25s
[8:24:22 PM:809] Activity: Wait time remaining... 15s... of 25s
[8:24:23 PM:038] InteractDebug:834157736
[8:24:23 PM:064] Interact Done:834157736
[8:24:23 PM:974] Backup a wee bit, too close to our target
[8:24:24 PM:175] Spell_C::CastSpell(1766, 0, 0xF13005A900119E75, 0) [2233]
[8:24:24 PM:205] -Kick
[8:24:24 PM:314] InteractDebug:279330128
[8:24:24 PM:335] Interact Done:279330128
[8:24:24 PM:829] Spell_C::CastSpell(1752, 0, 0xF13005E700169FBC, 0) [2234]
[8:24:24 PM:862] -Sinister Strike
[8:24:26 PM:107] Spell_C::CastSpell(1752, 0, 0xF13005E700169FBC, 0) [2235]
[8:24:26 PM:503] InteractDebug:279330128
[8:24:26 PM:536] Interact Done:279330128
[8:24:27 PM:446] Spell_C::CastSpell(84617, 0, 0xF13005E700169FBC, 0) [2236]
[8:24:27 PM:476] -Revealing Strike
[8:24:29 PM:651] Spell_C::CastSpell(73651, 0, 0x0, 0) [2237]
[8:24:29 PM:683] -Recuperate
[8:24:29 PM:686] Goal: Waiting for 09s of 25s
[8:24:29 PM:686] Activity: Wait time remaining... 09s... of 25s
[8:24:29 PM:920] Goal: Waiting for 08s of 25s
[8:24:29 PM:920] Activity: Wait time remaining... 08s... of 25s
[8:24:30 PM:726] Goal: Waiting for 07s of 25s
[8:24:30 PM:726] Activity: Wait time remaining... 07s... of 25s
[8:24:31 PM:761] Goal: Waiting for 06s of 25s
[8:24:31 PM:761] Activity: Wait time remaining... 06s... of 25s
[8:24:32 PM:773] Goal: Waiting for 05s of 25s
[8:24:32 PM:773] Activity: Wait time remaining... 05s... of 25s
[8:24:33 PM:808] Goal: Waiting for 04s of 25s
[8:24:33 PM:808] Activity: Wait time remaining... 04s... of 25s
[8:24:34 PM:709] Goal: Waiting for 03s of 25s
[8:24:34 PM:709] Activity: Wait time remaining... 03s... of 25s
[8:24:35 PM:776] Goal: Waiting for 02s of 25s
[8:24:35 PM:776] Activity: Wait time remaining... 02s... of 25s
[8:24:36 PM:801] Goal: Waiting for 01s of 25s
[8:24:36 PM:801] Activity: Wait time remaining... 01s... of 25s
[8:24:37 PM:830] Goal: Waiting for 00s of 25s
[8:24:37 PM:830] Activity: Wait time remaining... 00s... of 25s
[8:24:38 PM:727] Goal: Goal: Collect Heart of Mokk x 1
[8:24:38 PM:727] Activity: Moving to hotspot
[8:24:43 PM:511] InteractDebug:279248928
[8:24:43 PM:546] Interact Done:279248928