View attachment 26782
Im lvl 41 and the bot keeps going to Burning Steppes and dies... Please help ASAP.
Im lvl 41 and the bot keeps going to Burning Steppes and dies... Please help ASAP.
View attachment 26782
Im lvl 41 and the bot keeps going to Burning Steppes and dies... Please help ASAP.
So heres whats happening im over in eastvale looging camp my warlock just hit lvl 10 it attempts to go train then decides to fly by the time it get to FP it blacklists the trainer then decides to train again at the same person starts to run then decides to fly and repeat so its running in circles please help kick log attatched
kick can you please look into the warrior issue i stated above there is an attatched log as well the issue is that at level three when the warrior picks up his class specific quest and is supposed to go to the training dummies to cast charge he doesnt move from the quest giver thanks for your help
Hey Kick- sry about the previous post. i figured out how to changed the quest behavior.just had to stop looking at CS files and actually look harder at the XML doc opend in notepad. thxs for all the work you do.
* also im getting a LUA error while this profile is running on HB. but there is no record of it in the logs.
this is the error as it states in the wow error log that appears on the middle of the screen
** [string "Hax.lua"]:1: '=' expected near '<eof>'
Time: 09/02/11 14:07:50
Count: 5
* can any1 tell me is this a profile issue or something that is a conflict b/w wow and HB? or the profile?
file was too big to upload herecheers!