Kick, I'm running quite good on your 1-60 profile lately (doing evenings only cause I can babysit it a little then).
Apart from some needed user interactions (targetting upper floor worgen in duskwood quest in a barn, stopped HB from responding untill I killed it myself, and the stuff with the ettin in redridge for example) it's really good and gets my warlock to level fast! With heirlooms and lvl 25 guild perks my warlock went from 20 - 27 in about 2 hours and is now halfway through STV @ lvl 31!
My compliments on this great profile.
Apart from some needed user interactions (targetting upper floor worgen in duskwood quest in a barn, stopped HB from responding untill I killed it myself, and the stuff with the ettin in redridge for example) it's really good and gets my warlock to level fast! With heirlooms and lvl 25 guild perks my warlock went from 20 - 27 in about 2 hours and is now halfway through STV @ lvl 31!
My compliments on this great profile.