My toons kept getting stuck in the guard tower in Kil'sorrow so I put this in to stop trying to climb the stairs. Maybe the blackspot is too big you might wanna adjust it. (and it might just be me having the problems, I think it was wired who said that the map isn't 100% the same between all clients) Its the pulley hanging in the middle, half way up, that I get stuck on
<Blackspot X="-2884.436" Y="6301.781" Z="82.27882" Radius="9.26659" /> <!-- bloody guard tower! -->
BTW. A chicken, with a pulley in the middle!
Update, he don't care about the blackspot, goes there and gets stuck anyway. I guess the lure from the Kil'sorrow on the top was too great!
Doesn't seem to want to train new skills?
HB detects new skills, and train new skills is checked. Find vendors auto is turned off.
The details for trainers right?
Level 32 in STV atm.
<!-- BB -->
<Vendor Name="Jutak" Entry="2843" Type="Repair" X="-14467.77" Y="468.375" Z="15.02454" />
<Vendor Name="Nixxrax Fillamug" Entry="2832" Type="Food" X="-14451.7" Y="495.417" Z="15.105" />
<!-- Goldshire Trainers -->
<Vendor Name="Keryn Sylvius" Entry="917" Type="Train" TrainClass="Rogue" X="-9465.792" Y="12.6454" Z="63.82055" />
<Vendor Name="Priestess Josetta" Entry="377" Type="Train" TrainClass="Priest" X="-9460.753" Y="33.13379" Z="63.82045" />
<Vendor Name="Brother Wilhelm" Entry="927" Type="Train" TrainClass="Paladin" X="-9466.16" Y="109.757" Z="57.61904" />
<Vendor Name="Lyria Du Lac" Entry="913" Type="Train" TrainClass="Warrior" X="-9463.16" Y="110.005" Z="57.70275" />
<Vendor Name="Maximillian Crowe" Entry="906" Type="Train" TrainClass="Warlock" X="-9472.802" Y="-5.326606" Z="49.79484" />
<Vendor Name="Zaldimar Wefhellt" Entry="328" Type="Train" TrainClass="Mage" X="-9471.675" Y="34.45095" Z="63.82158" />
<Vendor Name="Benjamin Foxworthy" Entry="46983" Type="Train" TrainClass="Hunter" X="-9464.94" Y="117.432" Z="57.96372" />
<!--SW--> <Vendor Name="Celestine of the Harvest" Entry="44395" Type="Train" TrainClass="Druid" X="-8284.26" Y="724.349" Z="75.2835" />
<!--SW--> <Vendor Name="Farseer Umbrua" Entry="20407" Type="Train" TrainClass="Shaman" X="-8359.28" Y="577.384" Z="104.249" />
Might wanna add a stacksize count instead of total count it keeps trying to mill stacks smaller than 5
new update now disenchants (<<not tested>>) and added mail but still buggy so please dont use as yet.. hope this helps
I'll probablly add pool fishing soon, seems like many pepole would want that.
However it won't be flying (for now) vendor death and combat logic too.
Original Post said:Grinding Area:
EF --> RR --> DW --> STV --> [Swim] --> WPL --> EPL --> Badlands --> SG --> BS --> Blasted Lands
*At level 34 your toon will swim, a lot - this is normal. Do not press stop or it will go back to SW and start swimming again!
NOTE: If you get DC'd / Bot kicks you at level 34, use the 34-35 profile if you're already in WPL, then at 35 go back to your normal profile!
**Skinner friendly
Also having this problem, everytime my alt is going to cast it switches to travel form so it cancels out casting.
EDIT: Seem's to happen with AutoAngler aswell, look's like a HB bugg.