[Profile Message]: Going to Org to Train Riding
Blacklisting Doras for 5 minutes because we can't navigate to it!
[Profile Message]: Going to EK - EPL
[UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'End' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'TransportEndX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'End' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
[UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'Exit' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'GetOffX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'Exit' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
[UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'Start' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'TransportStartX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'Start' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
[UseTransport-v184(warning)]: The attribute 'Entry' is DEPRECATED.
Please modify the profile to use the new 'WaitAtX/Y/Z' attribute, instead.
[UseTransport-v184(error)]: The 'Entry' attribute's value should have three coordinate contributions (saw '0')
[UseTransport-v184(error) @line 3158]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!