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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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i already have the newest HB and yes the dude has the quest.

his name is salfa and is a timbermaw bear and his located all the way to the left on the map just where you get into winterspring. the quest's name is winterfall activity.
i already have the newest HB and yes the dude has the quest.

his name is salfa and is a timbermaw bear and his located all the way to the left on the map just where you get into winterspring. the quest's name is winterfall activity.

According to your log, then you are using Newest release is
Is there any fancy way to update HB insted of having to remove the old complety and in the with new?
Kick I'm hoping to start this profile on a level 77 sham. I've edited the ignore checkpoints part to true, but I'm just wondering if I need to just let it start and wait (coz it seems to cycle downloading mesh / loading tiles indefinitely. Any tips?
Still doing it after i've up downloaded the new version. Can it be that i cant just start on the profile because i haven't done any of the previus profiles?
Ya I see a lot of non 1 click stuff. Flight paths not working. Have to stop and restart the client every half hour to get it moving again. I'm new and probably not doing something right. Thanks for the hard work though.
Also, the beginning quest in westfall where you talk to the homeless people. It will interact with 1 but just stop and I had this problem with 2 guys so far. I don't have a log i'll have to make another guy to get a log but I put all the quest behaviors and enabled all the plugins in your profile

Hey guys, i hope you can help me out with a problem in duskwood...
my char want's to pick up a quest that ist maybe solved. I picked up quests in STV, but he wants to interact with sister elsington in duskwood.
I changed <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckpoints="True" > into false, this helped me with another char to skip grey quests, but i don't know how to skip completet quests :) maybe i solved the quest it by my self yesterday, i don't know how to skip it an start in STV.

View attachment 25190

if you have or have turned in Hero's Call: Northern Stranglethorn - then you'll need to delete 'rebels without a clue' from the profile
I left the bot at level 6 and woke up the next morning when it was at level 8 stuck an flight master.
Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Young Forest Bear
Looting Young Forest Bear Guid:0xF130033600310B98
Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update

no logs no service
Kick I'm hoping to start this profile on a level 77 sham. I've edited the ignore checkpoints part to true, but I'm just wondering if I need to just let it start and wait (coz it seems to cycle downloading mesh / loading tiles indefinitely. Any tips?

wait it out
Im having issues with my warlock. I started leveling from level 1 and now at level 30. Im only new to hb aswell...

1 - When hb tries to cast "Create Healthstone" it will continually cast then walk forward cast then walk forward

2 When hb casts "Soul Harvest" it acts like it is an instant cast and when it started to channel it cancels by walking forward therefore it will never fully cast and generate any soul shards
Im having issues with my warlock. I started leveling from level 1 and now at level 30. Im only new to hb aswell...

1 - When hb tries to cast "Create Healthstone" it will continually cast then walk forward cast then walk forward

2 When hb casts "Soul Harvest" it acts like it is an instant cast and when it started to channel it cancels by walking forward therefore it will never fully cast and generate any soul shards

cc issues, not profile
ok i have tried all i can, Highvoltz would there be any reason to why its going straight to Uldum and not moving to ashenvale? it seems like it thinks my professions are around the 500+ range. and im only at 140's?. I even started the bot in Ashenvale the bags where full so it flew to org and AHed all of the items. but after that it flys around durotar and picks up a few herbs and mines but then heads straight to uldum.

i have installed 3 times a fresh HB and a fresh PB from the SVN. everytime no matter what GB2 profile i load the 1-525 flying just goes straight to uldum.

please help me with this situation as i do not know the cause. i have posted up many logs for you and i cant get a definite answer. i have also heard of 2 reports of this with other profiles for PB in fact it was with the 1-525 herbing profile a user reported it. i have also went so far to delete all cache from the wow folder and all user settings. i mean i cant be the only one having this problem.

Hey kickazz! I found some issues when it comes to transporting to different locations.
The errors I found was Orgrimar -> EPL and also From EPL -> Felwood. The transport lines misses the <!-- and -->.
I fixed the profile for myself but perhaps you should add those and update the profile for everyone else.

I also found some bugs in stonetalon mountains. The bot basically stops everything once it get stuck in combat. Dunno if this is the bot or profile bug but, just wanted to add it. Will try to find the log for it
UseTransports well known issue man. i noted it in the release thread. it will be fixed next release

as far as the other one... don't use singular, use fpswares cc's - as it generally doesn't care about combat

after i have set the QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" to false its tellin me it cant get no quest's, and stoppin the bot. i am a 26 belf pala.
Found another issue

[CombatUseItemOn-v195(warning) @line 2400]: Attribute 'Range' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
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