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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Not sure if this is your issue or not but according to comments on Wowhead:

When you pick up The Fate of Tuurem in Telredor (given by Vindicator Idaar), this quest won't show up.
Same as picking up this quest won't show up "The Fate..." at Vindicator Idaar.

Thanks for your research, but i somehow skipped the quest, so i have no problems at the moment now.
Thanks anyway..
started it with the new release of buddy nad followed instructions 100%. the bot started to run away questing and such but after 5 minutes it got stuck in a loop where it ran back and forth 10 yards for eternity. this was in the goblin starting area from level 1 with a hunter.
No more drowning and an in-program relogger would be amazing. Reloggers never seem to work for me.

there's an anti drown plugin that most of us profile devs link in our profile or blog (it's in my blog and my svn)
Bot stucks under rocks\trees very often, it tries to mount - get instantly dismounted and tries to mount again :(
started it with the new release of buddy nad followed instructions 100%. the bot started to run away questing and such but after 5 minutes it got stuck in a loop where it ran back and forth 10 yards for eternity. this was in the goblin starting area from level 1 with a hunter.

Seems like it's a issue with your InteractWith behavior, try using the one from Kick's svn, and post back if that didn't help.
At the quest The Denmother in feelwood the profile is set to do alliance quest and will go to the alliance outpost and try to pick up the quest. Removed all of those and it started with the neutral quest's in winterspring.
Hey, im at Kalimdor in Dustwallow Marsh and im level 36. When i start the honourbuddy he goes to a NPC called Sergeant Amelyn and tries to get a quest but she dont have any and it keep trying to get the quest until i stop the honourbuddy. what should i do?
Hey, im at Kalimdor in Dustwallow Marsh and im level 36. When i start the honourbuddy he goes to a NPC called Sergeant Amelyn and tries to get a quest but she dont have any and it keep trying to get the quest until i stop the honourbuddy. what should i do?

you should attach a log
At the quest The Denmother in feelwood the profile is set to do alliance quest and will go to the alliance outpost and try to pick up the quest. Removed all of those and it started with the neutral quest's in winterspring.

ah damn, i thought those were neutral. i'll go and check it out later
all the starting zones are trying to load the wrong profile path to the north barrens. Should be

<CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" Profile="..\Northern Barrens 12-20+\Northern Barrens 12-20+.xml" />

i was using this profile and got to lvl 23 in ashenvale but it kept stuffing up at a quest so i did it manually and now im up to the first quest in splintertree post and i load profile and sits there loading tiles for over an hour and not doing anything retryed it over 10 times can get it to do anything keeps saying moving
Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Burkrum but wnt move
and in navigation it keeps saying this over and over please help
[12:12:09 AM:151] Error reading file data #2: Length of the data to decrypt is invalid.​
[12:12:09 AM:151] Loading Kalimdor_36_27​
[12:12:09 AM:171] Error reading file data #2: Length of the data to decrypt is invalid.
[12:12:09 AM:171] Could not generate path from {2242.797, -2531.802, 90.18789} to {2346.262, -2582.214, 103.0935} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly.
all the starting zones are trying to load the wrong profile path to the north barrens. Should be

<CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" Profile="..\Northern Barrens 12-20+\Northern Barrens 12-20+.xml" />


It says in the OP I believe, as well as the SVN profile directory to put all the profiles in the same folder.

Manually drag all the profile .xml files into the same folder.

So for instance. I have 2 folders in my HB directory. 1 is the SVN trunk sync and another is a local folder called "azeniusprofiles." So all i do is SVN update on the first folder then drag all the profiles into the 2nd folder.

Minor PITA, but well worth the quality these profiles provide. :-)
Cant give you a full log as this is just a report im checking from iphone (not at home atm) but it stops the bot :)

[CompleteLogQuest-v184(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'QuestID'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'QuestId', instead.
[CompleteLogQuest-v184(warning) @line 3354]: Quest(28637) is not in our log--skipping turn in.
[CompleteLogQuest-v184(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'QuestID'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'QuestId', instead.
Could not generate any hotspots for quest Screechy Keen. Please place a quest override for this quest.
Cant give you a full log as this is just a report im checking from iphone (not at home atm) but it stops the bot :)

[CompleteLogQuest-v184(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'QuestID'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'QuestId', instead.
[CompleteLogQuest-v184(warning) @line 3354]: Quest(28637) is not in our log--skipping turn in.
[CompleteLogQuest-v184(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'QuestID'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'QuestId', instead.
Could not generate any hotspots for quest Screechy Keen. Please place a quest override for this quest.

re-link your mesh folder to your bot (your old mesh fodler)
My apologies, attached is the log.

I ran HB again this morning just to see if the issue was the time of day :P heh
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