[12:41:37 AM:829] Logging in...
[12:41:38 AM:309] Buddy Sessions: 0/0
Shared Sessions: 1/3
[12:41:39 AM:781] Attached to WoW with ID 8184
[12:41:40 AM:469] Honorbuddy v2.0.0.5024 started!
[12:41:40 AM:471] Using WoW with process ID 8184
[12:41:40 AM:471] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[12:41:40 AM:471] Executable Path: C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\Honorbuddy.exe
[12:41:40 AM:478] Character is a level 85 NightElf Druid
[12:41:40 AM:486] Current zone is Stormwind City
[12:41:40 AM:502] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
[12:41:41 AM:204] New bot added!: Instancebuddy
[12:41:41 AM:245] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
[12:41:41 AM:246] New bot added!: Grind Bot
[12:41:41 AM:247] New bot added!: Questing
[12:41:41 AM:249] New bot added!: PvP
[12:41:41 AM:250] New bot added!: BG Bot [Beta]
[12:41:41 AM:257] New bot added!: Mixed Mode
[12:41:41 AM:258] New bot added!: PartyBot
[12:41:43 AM:066] New bot added!: Combat/Heal Bot [1.0.0]
[12:41:43 AM:066] New bot added!: LazyRaider
[12:41:43 AM:760] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Yajinni\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes
[12:41:43 AM:760] KillBetweenHotspots: True
[12:41:43 AM:760] AdvancedSettingsMode: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] LogoutForInactivity: True
[12:41:43 AM:760] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10
[12:41:43 AM:760] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] FoodAmount: 0
[12:41:43 AM:760] DrinkAmount: 0
[12:41:43 AM:760] FormLocationX: 20
[12:41:43 AM:760] FormLocationY: 20
[12:41:43 AM:760] FormWidth: 396
[12:41:43 AM:760] FormHeight: 302
[12:41:43 AM:760] SelectedBotIndex: 0
[12:41:43 AM:760] UseFlightPaths: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] FindMountAutomatically: True
[12:41:43 AM:760] UseRandomMount: True
[12:41:43 AM:760] FoodName has no value yet!
[12:41:43 AM:760] DrinkName has no value yet!
[12:41:43 AM:760] MountName has no value yet!
[12:41:43 AM:760] LootMobs: True
[12:41:43 AM:760] SkinMobs: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] NinjaSkin: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] LootChests: True
[12:41:43 AM:760] HarvestMinerals: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] HarvestHerbs: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] UseMount: True
[12:41:43 AM:760] PullDistance: 30
[12:41:43 AM:760] LootRadius: 45
[12:41:43 AM:760] FindVendorsAutomatically: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] TrainNewSkills: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] LearnFlightPaths: True
[12:41:43 AM:760] LastUsedPath has no value yet!
[12:41:43 AM:760] MountDistance: 75
[12:41:43 AM:760] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] FoodAmount: 0
[12:41:43 AM:760] DrinkAmount: 0
[12:41:43 AM:760] FormLocationX: 20
[12:41:43 AM:760] FormLocationY: 20
[12:41:43 AM:760] SelectedBotIndex: 0
[12:41:43 AM:760] UseFlightPaths: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] FindMountAutomatically: True
[12:41:43 AM:760] UseRandomMount: True
[12:41:43 AM:760] FoodName has no value yet!
[12:41:43 AM:760] DrinkName has no value yet!
[12:41:43 AM:760] MountName has no value yet!
[12:41:43 AM:760] LootMobs: True
[12:41:43 AM:760] SkinMobs: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] NinjaSkin: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] LootChests: True
[12:41:43 AM:760] HarvestMinerals: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] HarvestHerbs: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] UseMount: True
[12:41:43 AM:760] PullDistance: 30
[12:41:43 AM:760] LootRadius: 45
[12:41:43 AM:760] FindVendorsAutomatically: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] TrainNewSkills: False
[12:41:43 AM:760] LearnFlightPaths: True
[12:41:43 AM:760] LastUsedPath has no value yet!
[12:41:43 AM:760] MountDistance: 75
[12:41:43 AM:760] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
[12:41:43 AM:761] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
[12:41:43 AM:762] Activity: Initializing.
[12:41:43 AM:764] Activity: Loading memory management & tables
[12:41:43 AM:783] Activity: Loading Spells
[12:41:43 AM:952] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager
[12:41:44 AM:050] Activity: Initializing Plugins
[12:41:44 AM:052]
[12:41:49 AM:541] [Allrounder]:Welcome to Allrounder Obliderates
[12:41:50 AM:425] [WeigtSet] Selected weight set: Druid-Restoration
[12:41:53 AM:711] Activity: Initializing Navigator
[12:41:53 AM:885] Activity: Initializing Blackspot Manager
[12:41:53 AM:896] Activity: Initializing Battlegrounds
[12:41:53 AM:922] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths
[12:41:53 AM:961] Activity: Initializing Routines
[12:41:54 AM:008] Building spell book
[12:41:54 AM:037] Adding: Stampeding Roar
[12:41:54 AM:037] Adding: Swipe
[12:41:54 AM:040] Spell book built
[12:41:54 AM:041] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Config
[12:41:54 AM:050] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Death Knight
[12:41:55 AM:508] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Druid
[12:41:57 AM:714] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Mage
[12:41:59 AM:120] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Paladin
[12:42:00 AM:624] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Priest
[12:42:02 AM:609] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Rogue
[12:42:04 AM:589] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\HazzDruidPvP
[12:42:05 AM:481] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\ShamWOW
[12:42:07 AM:039] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Singular
[12:42:08 AM:921] Disabling flight checks. - Paid Plugins or Lifetime User Detected
[12:42:08 AM:921] Activity: Initialization complete
[12:42:08 AM:922] Initialization complete.
[12:42:08 AM:924] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[12:45:18 AM:361] Chose HazzDruidPvP as your combat class!
[12:45:56 AM:430] [Squire] Version 1.0.1 Running
[12:45:56 AM:446] [Squire] Using follow distance of 30 yds for your Ranged Druid as a Healer
[12:46:11 AM:862] Starting the bot!
[12:46:12 AM:377] Downloaded tilemap Azeroth
[12:46:12 AM:565] Changed tilemap to Azeroth, Tiled: True
[12:46:12 AM:592] Changing current profile to Empty Profile
[12:46:12 AM:660] Cleared POI
[12:46:12 AM:661] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[12:46:12 AM:662] Cleared POI
[12:46:12 AM:742] You are a level 85 Restoration Druid
[12:46:12 AM:744] Loading settings ...
[12:46:12 AM:763] Settings loaded
[12:46:12 AM:765] -Populating ranged capable database...
[12:46:12 AM:768] -8 entries added
[12:46:12 AM:769] -Populating priority mobs database...
[12:46:12 AM:769] -17 entries added
[12:46:12 AM:770] -Populating healing spells database...
[12:46:12 AM:770] -20 entries added
[12:46:12 AM:771] -Populating important interrupt spells database...
[12:46:12 AM:771] -35 entries added
[12:46:13 AM:751] Activity: Queueing for a battleground
[12:46:13 AM:753] Queueing up RandomBattleground
[12:46:21 AM:425] Inserting Arthur Huwe [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database!
[12:46:22 AM:182] [Squire] >>> following Oracl.Mage[A] with player density 9
[12:46:34 AM:925] [Squire] An Exception occured. Check debug log for details.
[12:46:34 AM:925] >>> EXCEPTION
[12:46:34 AM:929] System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired.
at BlueMagic.ExecutorRand.Execute()
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWMovement.#dsb(UInt32 pThis)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWMovement.MoveStop()
at Bobby53.Squire.WaitForStop() in c:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\Plugins\Squire\Squire.cs:line 518
at Bobby53.Squire.WaitForMount() in c:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\Plugins\Squire\Squire.cs:line 541
at Bobby53.Squire.Pulse() in c:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\Plugins\Squire\Squire.cs:line 177
[12:46:35 AM:054] Not in game
[12:46:38 AM:979] Wow exited, Honorbuddy stopped!
[12:46:38 AM:979] Not in game
[12:46:38 AM:980] Stop called!
Yes it is. I deleted all my logs and then opened HB and pressed start and made that new log. If I keep clicking start it will repeaditly keep saying that. so you're wrong, that is the full log
[12:44:16 AM:224] Logging in...
[12:44:16 AM:936] Buddy Sessions: 0/0
Shared Sessions: 6/9
[12:44:18 AM:511] Attached to WoW with ID 8992
[12:44:18 AM:643] Honorbuddy v2.0.0.5063 started!
[12:44:18 AM:645] Using WoW with process ID 8992
[12:44:18 AM:645] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[12:44:18 AM:645] Executable Path: C:\Games\HB-\Honorbuddy.exe
[12:44:18 AM:652] Character is a level 43 Draenei Paladin
[12:44:18 AM:654] Current zone is Eastern Plaguelands
[12:44:18 AM:655] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
[12:44:18 AM:918] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:----------------------------------------------------------------------
[12:44:18 AM:918] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:Currently supported tanking dungeons :
[12:44:18 AM:918] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:(This list will update itself automatically)
[12:44:18 AM:918] [Instancebuddy v3.0.1.315]:...
My logsThanks for your help !
[11:22:11:110] Loading Kalimdor_38_21
[11:22:11:137] Error reading file data #2: Length of the data to decrypt is invalid.
[11:22:11:137] Loading Kalimdor_40_19
[11:22:11:152] Error reading file data #2: Length of the data to decrypt is invalid.
[11:22:11:156] Loading Kalimdor_38_21
[11:22:11:181] Error reading file data #2: Length of the data to decrypt is invalid.
[11:22:11:181] Loading Kalimdor_40_19
Profiles broken
I did a clean install of HB installed your QB properly and updated your profile and I get this
AND before you ask I know how to install things properly because I've used your profile last week and it worked perfectly.
Here are my logs. Is that enough for you ? thx in advance.
A full log will look like this, i dont see any of the start up initialization...
PHP:[12:41:37 AM:829] Logging in... [12:41:38 AM:309] Buddy Sessions: 0/0 ----- Shared Sessions: 1/3 [12:41:39 AM:781] Attached to WoW with ID 8184 [12:41:40 AM:469] Honorbuddy v2.0.0.5024 started! [12:41:40 AM:471] Using WoW with process ID 8184 [12:41:40 AM:471] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 [12:41:40 AM:471] Executable Path: C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\Honorbuddy.exe [12:41:40 AM:478] Character is a level 85 NightElf Druid [12:41:40 AM:486] Current zone is Stormwind City [12:41:40 AM:502] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy [12:41:41 AM:204] New bot added!: Instancebuddy [12:41:41 AM:245] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2 [12:41:41 AM:246] New bot added!: Grind Bot [12:41:41 AM:247] New bot added!: Questing [12:41:41 AM:249] New bot added!: PvP [12:41:41 AM:250] New bot added!: BG Bot [Beta] [12:41:41 AM:257] New bot added!: Mixed Mode [12:41:41 AM:258] New bot added!: PartyBot [12:41:43 AM:066] New bot added!: Combat/Heal Bot [1.0.0] [12:41:43 AM:066] New bot added!: LazyRaider [12:41:43 AM:760] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Yajinni\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes [12:41:43 AM:760] KillBetweenHotspots: True [12:41:43 AM:760] AdvancedSettingsMode: False [12:41:43 AM:760] LogoutForInactivity: True [12:41:43 AM:760] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10 [12:41:43 AM:760] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False [12:41:43 AM:760] ProfileDebuggingMode: False [12:41:43 AM:760] FoodAmount: 0 [12:41:43 AM:760] DrinkAmount: 0 [12:41:43 AM:760] FormLocationX: 20 [12:41:43 AM:760] FormLocationY: 20 [12:41:43 AM:760] FormWidth: 396 [12:41:43 AM:760] FormHeight: 302 [12:41:43 AM:760] SelectedBotIndex: 0 [12:41:43 AM:760] UseFlightPaths: False [12:41:43 AM:760] FindMountAutomatically: True [12:41:43 AM:760] UseRandomMount: True [12:41:43 AM:760] FoodName has no value yet! [12:41:43 AM:760] DrinkName has no value yet! [12:41:43 AM:760] MountName has no value yet! [12:41:43 AM:760] LootMobs: True [12:41:43 AM:760] SkinMobs: False [12:41:43 AM:760] NinjaSkin: False [12:41:43 AM:760] LootChests: True [12:41:43 AM:760] HarvestMinerals: False [12:41:43 AM:760] HarvestHerbs: False [12:41:43 AM:760] UseMount: True [12:41:43 AM:760] PullDistance: 30 [12:41:43 AM:760] LootRadius: 45 [12:41:43 AM:760] FindVendorsAutomatically: False [12:41:43 AM:760] TrainNewSkills: False [12:41:43 AM:760] LearnFlightPaths: True [12:41:43 AM:760] LastUsedPath has no value yet! [12:41:43 AM:760] MountDistance: 75 [12:41:43 AM:760] RessAtSpiritHealers: False [12:41:43 AM:760] GroundMountFarmingMode: False [12:41:43 AM:760] FoodAmount: 0 [12:41:43 AM:760] DrinkAmount: 0 [12:41:43 AM:760] FormLocationX: 20 [12:41:43 AM:760] FormLocationY: 20 [12:41:43 AM:760] SelectedBotIndex: 0 [12:41:43 AM:760] UseFlightPaths: False [12:41:43 AM:760] FindMountAutomatically: True [12:41:43 AM:760] UseRandomMount: True [12:41:43 AM:760] FoodName has no value yet! [12:41:43 AM:760] DrinkName has no value yet! [12:41:43 AM:760] MountName has no value yet! [12:41:43 AM:760] LootMobs: True [12:41:43 AM:760] SkinMobs: False [12:41:43 AM:760] NinjaSkin: False [12:41:43 AM:760] LootChests: True [12:41:43 AM:760] HarvestMinerals: False [12:41:43 AM:760] HarvestHerbs: False [12:41:43 AM:760] UseMount: True [12:41:43 AM:760] PullDistance: 30 [12:41:43 AM:760] LootRadius: 45 [12:41:43 AM:760] FindVendorsAutomatically: False [12:41:43 AM:760] TrainNewSkills: False [12:41:43 AM:760] LearnFlightPaths: True [12:41:43 AM:760] LastUsedPath has no value yet! [12:41:43 AM:760] MountDistance: 75 [12:41:43 AM:760] RessAtSpiritHealers: False [12:41:43 AM:761] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes. [12:41:43 AM:762] Activity: Initializing. [12:41:43 AM:764] Activity: Loading memory management & tables [12:41:43 AM:783] Activity: Loading Spells [12:41:43 AM:952] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager [12:41:44 AM:050] Activity: Initializing Plugins [12:41:44 AM:052] [12:41:49 AM:541] [Allrounder]:Welcome to Allrounder Obliderates [12:41:50 AM:425] [WeigtSet] Selected weight set: Druid-Restoration [12:41:53 AM:711] Activity: Initializing Navigator [12:41:53 AM:885] Activity: Initializing Blackspot Manager [12:41:53 AM:896] Activity: Initializing Battlegrounds [12:41:53 AM:922] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths [12:41:53 AM:961] Activity: Initializing Routines [12:41:54 AM:008] Building spell book [12:41:54 AM:037] Adding: Stampeding Roar [12:41:54 AM:037] Adding: Swipe [12:41:54 AM:040] Spell book built [12:41:54 AM:041] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Config [12:41:54 AM:050] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Death Knight [12:41:55 AM:508] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Druid [12:41:57 AM:714] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Mage [12:41:59 AM:120] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Paladin [12:42:00 AM:624] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Priest [12:42:02 AM:609] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Rogue [12:42:04 AM:589] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\HazzDruidPvP [12:42:05 AM:481] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\ShamWOW [12:42:07 AM:039] Compiling C:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Singular [12:42:08 AM:921] Disabling flight checks. - Paid Plugins or Lifetime User Detected [12:42:08 AM:921] Activity: Initialization complete [12:42:08 AM:922] Initialization complete. [12:42:08 AM:924] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete [12:45:18 AM:361] Chose HazzDruidPvP as your combat class! [12:45:56 AM:430] [Squire] Version 1.0.1 Running [12:45:56 AM:446] [Squire] Using follow distance of 30 yds for your Ranged Druid as a Healer [12:46:11 AM:862] Starting the bot! [12:46:12 AM:377] Downloaded tilemap Azeroth [12:46:12 AM:565] Changed tilemap to Azeroth, Tiled: True [12:46:12 AM:592] Changing current profile to Empty Profile [12:46:12 AM:660] Cleared POI [12:46:12 AM:661] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up [12:46:12 AM:662] Cleared POI [12:46:12 AM:742] You are a level 85 Restoration Druid [12:46:12 AM:744] Loading settings ... [12:46:12 AM:763] Settings loaded [12:46:12 AM:765] -Populating ranged capable database... [12:46:12 AM:768] -8 entries added [12:46:12 AM:769] -Populating priority mobs database... [12:46:12 AM:769] -17 entries added [12:46:12 AM:770] -Populating healing spells database... [12:46:12 AM:770] -20 entries added [12:46:12 AM:771] -Populating important interrupt spells database... [12:46:12 AM:771] -35 entries added [12:46:13 AM:751] Activity: Queueing for a battleground [12:46:13 AM:753] Queueing up RandomBattleground [12:46:21 AM:425] Inserting Arthur Huwe [Gossip, Questgiver] into the database! [12:46:22 AM:182] [Squire] >>> following Oracl.Mage[A] with player density 9 [12:46:34 AM:925] [Squire] An Exception occured. Check debug log for details. [12:46:34 AM:925] >>> EXCEPTION [12:46:34 AM:929] System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync; InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired. at BlueMagic.ExecutorRand.Execute() at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWMovement.#dsb(UInt32 pThis) at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWMovement.MoveStop() at Bobby53.Squire.WaitForStop() in c:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\Plugins\Squire\Squire.cs:line 518 at Bobby53.Squire.WaitForMount() in c:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\Plugins\Squire\Squire.cs:line 541 at Bobby53.Squire.Pulse() in c:\Users\Yajinni\Dropbox\WoW Gather\honorbuddy\Plugins\Squire\Squire.cs:line 177 [12:46:35 AM:054] Not in game [12:46:38 AM:979] Wow exited, Honorbuddy stopped! [12:46:38 AM:979] Not in game [12:46:38 AM:980] Stop called!
Doesn't work![]()
In helfire peninsula during quest (I Work... For the Horde!) got stuck in wreck on fire. HB nor stuckhelper could get it out.
<Blackspot X="-159.3865" Y="2617.909" Z="41.0353" Radius="4.293112" />
(entry of the wreck)
i need to know what quest that is in English please...
can you link the wowhead link to that quest?
Stops at Consortium Needs You
On startup of Kick's Fly 58-70 Routine get:
Could not find quest with ID 9862! (Or could I: False)
Could not create performable quest objective for objective with ID 18202!
Could not create current in quest bot!
and then bot stops.
Current HB, there is only one QB is your SVN that is named currently, all the others are numbered, and everything else has run fine to this point.
HI i have some problems with generate path in the profil. This Problem is the only one.
At what level the Profile goes to WPL?
This profile is originally written by tubajedimr and has been reworked by Raphus and taken on by Kickazz006
Outland may still have issues and reports about it will be ignored until i rework that part.
Default is IgnoreCheckPoints="True" for the 15-58 profile
If you started the profile late / doing grey / green quests - then change IgnoreCheckPoints="True" - True to False (in the 15-58 profile), press save and start the profile again.
Only load the 1-68 Horde Questing.xml profile. SubProfiles will be automatically loaded by the main profile.
Kick has recently updated the bugs / issues w/ this profile. If you want to see the Horde have a questing profile, then help me help you.
Provide valid information such as hotspots, blackspots, what the quest is not doing correctly, log.txt / SS (attached) as needed, etc. More info > less info
These can be downloaded from Kick's SVN with a program like Tortoise. If you don't know how to use SVN, then click here.
credits to Azenius project for help with 4 vehicle behaviors.
Do note: you have to the behaviors from my svn into your quest behaviors folder