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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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getting this error in N-STV [UserDialog-v184(user response) @line 4848]: Continuing profile due to User request
Could not find quest with ID 196! (Or could I: False)
Could not create a performable quest objective for objective with ID 687!
Could not create current in quest bot!

Ended up just completing the quest in the refugee camp manually went back to doing its thing..now im getting stuck "learning new flightpath" seems like its just looping
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Ended up just completing the quest in the refugee camp manually went back to doing its thing..now im getting stuck "learning new flightpath" seems like its just looping

The known causes for this are not profile related, but:
  • The WoWclient got d/c'd, and you logged back in
  • You dropped to the character selection screen, then logged back in
  • etc
When these things happen, Honorbuddy becomes 'partially' disconnected from the WoWclient. Honorbuddy is unable to detect when this happens and put things right again.

The fix is simple, just shutdown Honorbuddy and restart it. It fully hooks itself back into the WoWclient on launch. Once relaunched, it should no longer infinitely try to open the flight master window, or a vendor window to sell/repair.

thx ima give that a shot..ended up turning off the option of using flight paths it went back to questing ill give that a shot though. *Fixed* I think what happened was when i was having problems with the bot stopping b/c of not finding the quest or w/e. i turned off every addon and reloaded the UI :P thx again
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Profile: Northern Barrens
Quest: None
Quest ID: None
Log: View attachment 24770

Bot stands at farwatch post. HB starts, throws this error and then shuts down.

Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to The Azenius Project[Northern Barrens] 12-20+
[Quest Protector] Bot startup detected, ensuring newest item protection...
You are a level 60 Beast Hunter
Loading settings ...
Settings loaded
[StuckHelper] Dismounting to unstuck
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 52192 in database.
Could not create current in quest bot!
[Quest Protector] Bot shutdown detected, clearing item protection.
[7:10:48 AM:022] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[7:10:48 AM:022] Cleared POI
[7:10:48 AM:198] Stop and dismount...
[7:10:49 AM:348] Goal: Grinding the last few bars we have to level 20.
[7:10:50 AM:109] Stop called!
[7:10:50 AM:129] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
[7:10:50 AM:130] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
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Sorry about that, But i can't reach you anywhere bro. Can't PM you... What the bot would do, is run back and fourth like it's not knowing where to go.
Sorry about that, But i can't reach you anywhere bro. Can't PM you... What the bot would do, is run back and fourth like it's not knowing where to go.

gotta have a log.txt and what quest(s) ur on (and the zone / area)
how much grinding is actually in this profile? seems like alot

i'm trying to eliminate it... it shouldn't grind (or at least grind much) from 15-30'ish (end of stonetalon). I've added a ton of quests in ashenvale, some in n. barrens, and a lot in stonetalon. I also fixed all of the goblin quests

It's a slow process and not easy to develop because I don't know the flow (as I'm ally, lol)
getting this error in N-STV [UserDialog-v184(user response) @line 4848]: Continuing profile due to User request
Could not find quest with ID 196! (Or could I: False)
Could not create a performable quest objective for objective with ID 687!
Could not create current in quest bot!

is your toon a female worgen?
start hb to quest and all i get is

location : anywhere i try to runn the bot

[4:40:21 AM:519] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
[4:40:21 AM:519] Loading Kalimdor_31_22
[4:40:21 AM:558] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
[4:40:22 AM:420] Loading Kalimdor_31_22
[4:40:22 AM:450] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
[4:40:22 AM:451] Loading Kalimdor_31_22
[4:40:22 AM:489] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
[4:40:22 AM:492] Could not generate path from {4970.5, 147.65, 51.64} to {4984.331, 87.89757, 52.7351} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
[4:40:22 AM:630] Loading Kalimdor_31_22
[4:40:22 AM:660] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
[4:40:22 AM:661] Loading Kalimdor_31_22
[4:40:22 AM:692] Error reading file data #2: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.

View attachment 24771View attachment 24772

actually getting that when i try to run archbuddy also on a different character
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Profile: Northern Barrens
Quest: None
Quest ID: None
Bot stands at farwatch post. HB starts, throws this error and then shuts down.

Honorbuddy automaticly inserts npc's to the database as you get close to them. Just move close to the npc with Id 52192 (Brogor, standing in the pass towards ashenvale), and start the bot again.
Repair and food vendor at Dalson's Farm Eastern plaguelands
<Vendor Name="Gurt" Entry="47758" Type="Repair" X="1843.62" Y="-1762.78" Z="60.45" />
<Vendor Name="George Randolph" Entry="47757" Type="food" X="1844.39" Y="-1759.87" Z="60.29" />
Kick. , there is a dust storm mob that keeps my toon attacking and it keeps missing and stuff. Thats called a dodgy mob or whats the right word?
Seen it also ones in eastern plagueland. Had to manually run away from it. Is there any fix for it, a plugin or .. so it will blacklist the mob when its in that state?

dust storm blacklist spot: X="-6322.948" Y="1449.726" Z="5.060942" Radius="11.92535" />

It's you CC's job to blacklist evading/bugged mobs. Won't help to blacklist as 1. It currently doesn't work, and 2. you can't be sure it will bug out at that point anyway (as every mob can potentionally bug out).
My guy now stops in Dustalow March at a FP and "Learning new Flight Path". I tried to fly to some random locationbut then he just stops at that FP and says the same.
Unsolid ground fails:
- It runs to the place, kills some mobs returns and tries to hand in quest.

It should:
- Pick up 6 jade Crystal Clusters
- Merge them and shatter them in Lorthuna's Gate encampment
- Hand in
My guy now stops in Dustalow March at a FP and "Learning new Flight Path". I tried to fly to some random locationbut then he just stops at that FP and says the same.

if you dc, relog, reload, or log to another toon ... you have to kill hb and restart it
Problem with generate path

HI i have some problems with generate path in the profil. This Problem is the only one.
Oh I am at Northrend in Borean Tundra. My Level is 71. I use the CC fpsmage. The bot shows : can't navigate to target location. Can't creat a path.
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