Ended up just completing the quest in the refugee camp manually went back to doing its thing..now im getting stuck "learning new flightpath" seems like its just looping
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to The Azenius Project[Northern Barrens] 12-20+
[Quest Protector] Bot startup detected, ensuring newest item protection...
You are a level 60 Beast Hunter
Loading settings ...
Settings loaded
[StuckHelper] Dismounting to unstuck
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 52192 in database.
Could not create current in quest bot!
[Quest Protector] Bot shutdown detected, clearing item protection.
[7:10:48 AM:022] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[7:10:48 AM:022] Cleared POI
[7:10:48 AM:198] Stop and dismount...
[7:10:49 AM:348] Goal: Grinding the last few bars we have to level 20.
[7:10:50 AM:109] Stop called!
[7:10:50 AM:129] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
[7:10:50 AM:130] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Run()
Sorry about that, But i can't reach you anywhere bro. Can't PM you... What the bot would do, is run back and fourth like it's not knowing where to go.
how much grinding is actually in this profile? seems like alot
getting this error in N-STV [UserDialog-v184(user response) @line 4848]: Continuing profile due to User request
Could not find quest with ID 196! (Or could I: False)
Could not create a performable quest objective for objective with ID 687!
Could not create current in quest bot!
Dunno what the hell i did... Wont pickup quests anymore, and stops bot.
Profile: Northern Barrens
Quest: None
Quest ID: None
Bot stands at farwatch post. HB starts, throws this error and then shuts down.
Kick. , there is a dust storm mob that keeps my toon attacking and it keeps missing and stuff. Thats called a dodgy mob or whats the right word?
Seen it also ones in eastern plagueland. Had to manually run away from it. Is there any fix for it, a plugin or .. so it will blacklist the mob when its in that state?
dust storm blacklist spot: X="-6322.948" Y="1449.726" Z="5.060942" Radius="11.92535" />
My guy now stops in Dustalow March at a FP and "Learning new Flight Path". I tried to fly to some random locationbut then he just stops at that FP and says the same.