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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hey I was wondering if this is possible and how to set it up. I want to farm in Uldum and farm herbs and mines then have it fly to org sell everything in AH and fly back and repeat. Is there a way to do this?
Got a level 12 Pala n I am at Eversong....
Got that issue:
[UseItemOn-v194(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'HpLeftAmount'. Please update the profile to use its primary name 'MobHpPercentLeft', instead.

What do I need to do?
I already updated SVN still no go.


You don't need to do anything, as that is just a warning, not an error, meaning honorbuddy will still run.
View attachment 24491here is the log it seems as though it is trying to interact with an npc by the name of Inkeeper Kerp, however the target is unfriendly because of the fact that not enough quests have been done in zagramarsh to get sporragar rep. check it out.
View attachment 24491here is the log it seems as though it is trying to interact with an npc by the name of Inkeeper Kerp, however the target is unfriendly because of the fact that not enough quests have been done in zagramarsh to get sporragar rep. check it out.

[10:16:00 PM:716] Moving to Type: Buy, Name: Innkeeper Kerp

user issue, turn off one of these:

Buy Drinks
Auto Find Vendors
Man soon 82 allready! :D This profile just keeps on truckin? !! If i could rep u more than i allready have i would ;) BiG up!
Hi, I tested this overnight and was surprised to see it was still running when I woke up and gained three levels from 44 to 47. In that way this is MUCH better then any other questing profiles I've tried so far. A few issues though, even though I'm not sure what caused it and can only provide log tonight when I get back home from work.

One of the issues is that I was at level 47 doing green quests in EPL, but I dont think I can blame the profile for this as I started in EPL while I was already halfway lvl 43.

One other issue is that I died 21!!! times wearing 5 heirlooms (2 trinkets, chest piece, shoulder piece and 2H weapon and having a felguard tanking). I don't know why, maybe I got ganked or something but otherwise this shouldnt be happening, will take a look at this tonight.

And last issue is that it is taking the bot awfully long to respond sometimes. It was on the quest burning the UD corpses, standing still for minutes, untill I manually moved my character a bit it started running again.

Now these don't have to be flaws in the profile, I'll check this out tonight when I get home.
@casper - not w/ 1 year, sorry. either pay for the monthly key or get lifetime (lifetime is a better deal)
@hbetc, stop copy / pasting new hb into old hb. always make a new hb from the .zip and copy in anything that's not shipped... such as quest behaviors, plugins, cc's, settings folder
In honorbuddy I'm selecting uldum farming profile, in Professionbuddy - min-herb 1-525 fly. My min and herb skills are 0. Bot is flying to uldum and trying to farm. Before last honorbuddy update this way worked fine, what I'm doing wrong?
Dunno if this is a profile error or bot thing m8 (: here is the log....

it does it with every quest where it needs to pick something up, it just keep running back and forward :/

well here is the log from the events, hope you can help me out :D
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user failed to get the behaviors from the quest behaviors folder and install them before using profile
Got a bug I think for you kick.

The quest "Colossal Guardian" the bot just goes to the turn in place but does not get the sun nor the moon for the quest to turn in.
Got a bug I think for you kick.

The quest "Colossal Guardian" the bot just goes to the turn in place but does not get the sun nor the moon for the quest to turn in.

if you stopped clicking continue and actually read the boxes, you'd know why it did that
Guess HB is the problem but when dead.

Even tho ghost run is on a gryphon i run all around hyjal to get to corpse.

Devs seems uninterested to fix this .
[14:46:00:136] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\***\Desktop\HB\Quest Behaviors\UseItemOn.cs'
[14:46:01:391] Goal: UseItemOn: "Playing With Felfire"
[14:46:01:467] Activity: Waiting for object to spawn
In Ashenvale. Bot stands there and does nothing.
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