Hi, I tested this overnight and was surprised to see it was still running when I woke up and gained three levels from 44 to 47. In that way this is MUCH better then any other questing profiles I've tried so far. A few issues though, even though I'm not sure what caused it and can only provide log tonight when I get back home from work.
One of the issues is that I was at level 47 doing green quests in EPL, but I dont think I can blame the profile for this as I started in EPL while I was already halfway lvl 43.
One other issue is that I died 21!!! times wearing 5 heirlooms (2 trinkets, chest piece, shoulder piece and 2H weapon and having a felguard tanking). I don't know why, maybe I got ganked or something but otherwise this shouldnt be happening, will take a look at this tonight.
And last issue is that it is taking the bot awfully long to respond sometimes. It was on the quest burning the UD corpses, standing still for minutes, untill I manually moved my character a bit it started running again.
Now these don't have to be flaws in the profile, I'll check this out tonight when I get home.