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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Please don't. With guild xp bonus and heirlooms I'm already starting areas when I'm at the top end of the level range they are meant for as it is.

Haha, I ended EP profile at level 48 with just guild xp bonus. At least I dont worry about the bot not being able to accomplish hard quests. Luckily the higher level profiles came out just as I needed them :D

Leveling another toon with this profile now, 1-11 flawlessly so far
[7:42:28 PM:898] Compiling expression 'Me.Class == WoWClass.Shaman || 
Me.Class == WoWClass.Warrior || Me.Class == WoWClass.Hunter || Me.Class == 
WoWClass.Warlock && Me.ZoneId == 8)' @ line 336


[7:42:29 PM:496] 2 errors encountered while compiling condition 'Me.Class == 
WoWClass.Shaman || Me.Class == WoWClass.Warrior || Me.Class == WoWClass.Hunter 
|| Me.Class == WoWClass.Warlock && Me.ZoneId == 8)'


[7:42:29 PM:496] ; expected


[7:42:29 PM:496] Invalid expression term ')'


[7:42:29 PM:496] Compiling expression 'IsQuestCompleted(27916)' @ line 
still getting this on start up
"Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown"

using FPS hunter and Singular, both throw this issue several seconds after i start the bot. Have redownloaded HB and the FPS Hunter and still having issue. the bot was working fine up until happened.
still getting this on start up
"Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown"

using FPS hunter and Singular, both throw this issue several seconds after i start the bot. Have redownloaded HB and the FPS Hunter and still having issue. the bot was working fine up until happened.

As described about 100 times in this thread, put the provided behaviors into the behavior folder...
you're getting an error saying
[7:41:34 PM:410] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\Aaron Tosh\Music\Profile tester\Honorbuddy_2.0.04991\Quest Behaviors\Blastranaar!.cs'.
File name: 'C:\Users\**********\Music\Profile tester\Honorbuddy_2.0.04991\Quest Behaviors\Blastranaar!.cs'
I don;t know if it's just me....or what.

But I have a paid plugins key, and im no longer in the hellfire part of outlands, im in zangarmarsh....and this bad boy STILL won't fly from objective to objective.

And on the quest where you are required to get Mature Spores, it kind of just walks around on one island waiting for them to spawn.

I know you're gonna want to see a log, but idc about the quest as I just manualed it. if you need a log for the flight problem, I can post one.
He just mounts up and walks on the ground....no flying. :/
I don;t know if it's just me....or what.

But I have a paid plugins key, and im no longer in the hellfire part of outlands, im in zangarmarsh....and this bad boy STILL won't fly from objective to objective.

And on the quest where you are required to get Mature Spores, it kind of just walks around on one island waiting for them to spawn.

I know you're gonna want to see a log, but idc about the quest as I just manualed it. if you need a log for the flight problem, I can post one.
He just mounts up and walks on the ground....no flying. :/

as always, logs

If you have an issue, thoroughly explain the issue and attach the log - 2 for 1
alright, i cant find the exact log because i restarted HB a few times. but if it happens again, ill repost a log.

By the way, this was in my log:
[SetPullDistance-v184(warning)]: *****
* THIS BEHAVIOR IS DEPRECATED, and may be retired in a near, future release.
* SetPullDistance adds _no_ _additonal_ _value_ over the UserSettings behavior.
* Please update the profile to use the UserSettings behavior. Your replacement
* line is:
* <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" PullDistance="0" />
Mostly every quest where you have to click or talk to X npc/objects, the toon goes to one place and then starts moving back and forth frantically(4 yards back/forth).


The collectiondistance is 300 so it shouldn't act like this but who knows :x.
Mostly every quest where you have to click or talk to X npc/objects, the toon goes to one place and then starts moving back and forth frantically(4 yards back/forth).


The collectiondistance is 300 so it shouldn't act like this but who knows :x.

use the interactwith in my SVN (or the release thread where i posted it). There was an issue with some untested behavior changes with 4991 shipped that causes that issue

chances are, if it's in my behaviors in svn, you need it :)

I just finished updating the SVN and tried to run this profile but I keep getting this error. I just removed it and its fine now.

[Singular] Behaviors created!
[Message-v184(error)]: The 'GoalColor' attribute's value (saw 'Red') is malformed. (InvalidCastException)
[Message-v184(error) @line 406]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!

The problem is here:

<If Condition="Me.IsHorde &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(25316)" >
<CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="For Horde, this starts in Moonglade or Hyjal\n\nIf you experience issues, I need to know about them. Please report them to my thread\n\nPress continue\n\n-Kick" LogColor="Red" GoalColor="Red" />
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 45729 in database.
Could not create current in quest bot!
then bot stops. added log
Last edited:

first of all thanks for this :P but i have a problem...

Im on the quest called management material...

im supposed to let an NPC gather wood for me but my bot wont pick it up when its on the ground...

heres my log:
The Defense of Grom'gol - Quest - World of Warcraft -- This entire quest line has been removed from the game, please remove it from the profile

Omfg... Then I need someone to experiment a bit for me. Go kill some Lashtail Eggs nearby the Grom'gol Base Camp and see if you auto-accept "A Lashtail Hatchling" if you haven't completed it already.


first of all thanks for this :P but i have a problem...

Im on the quest called management material...

im supposed to let an NPC gather wood for me but my bot wont pick it up when its on the ground...

heres my log:

I don't know why yours isn't working. Worked fine for me. I see a lot of CC errors etc, re-download HB and use another CC than Singular.
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