[01:13:54:708] Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Jalin Lakedeep
[01:14:34:183] InteractDebug:999495408
[01:14:34:191] Interact Done:999495408
[01:14:39:468] InteractDebug:999495408
[01:14:39:476] Interact Done:999495408
[01:14:40:071] Activity: Selling Items
[01:14:42:093] Activity: Repairing Items
[01:14:44:094] Cleared POI - Reason POI is not Mail
[01:14:44:094] Cleared POI
[01:14:44:237] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[01:14:44:237] Loading Kalimdor_34_22
[01:14:44:320] Loading Kalimdor_35_23
[01:14:44:417] Loading Kalimdor_34_23
[01:14:44:489] Successfully generated path from {5181.801, -1714.908, 1339.965} to {5143.717, -2303.042, 1278.421} in 253 milliseconds
[01:15:07:082] [STUCK] Got stuck at <5203.932, -1940.682, 1373.811> on map 1
[01:15:07:088] [STUCK][HITTEST] LD/LU: False
[01:15:07:088] [STUCK][HITTEST] Left: False
[01:15:07:088] [STUCK][HITTEST] RD/RU: False
[01:15:07:088] [STUCK][HITTEST] Right: False
[01:15:07:088] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[01:15:07:088] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: False
[01:15:07:088] [STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
[01:15:07:089] Stop and dismount... Reason: [STUCK] Dismounting
[01:15:07:948] [STUCK] Moving Forward for 750ms.
[01:15:08:704] [STUCK][DISMOUNT] Moved 0.3497298. Need: 3.78. Result: False
[01:15:11:917] [STUCK] Strafing worked!
[01:15:12:042] Spell_C::CastSpell(7294, 0, 0x0, 0) [647]
is this ur prob?
your log is very large so it's hard to know where to start
but i noticed that you stopped and then started and it says turning in gar'gol's gotta go
[08:07:31:131] Cleared POI
[08:07:31:253] Changed POI to:Type: QuestTurnIn
[08:10:15:251] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [1g62s37c]
[08:11:42:757] Stopping the bot!
[08:11:42:757] Stop called!
can you kill your current session, start a new one, go outside of the cave and press start?