ForcedDismount behavior issue -I'm going to try this out right now.
Will report back in a couple of hours.
Running a 70 hunter, Marksman.
[30 minutes in]
Everything working fine, although I manually had to "descend to the ground" sometimes.
5 bars so far.
i got into a lot of trouble at burning steps..
since HB won't detect lava properly i suggest removing the quests near the lava
well.. i got through them nicely with a melee class but with a range class it was like.. ewww..
(i noticed you changed from alpha to beta gratz on that)
Plugin from C:\Buddies\HB\Plugins\Shak questing.cs could not be compiled! Compiler errors:
File: Shak questing.cs Line: 86 Error: 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject' does not contain a definition for 'Dead' and no extension method 'Dead' accepting a first argument of type 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
File: Shak questing.cs Line: 767 Error: The name 'Obj4Done28226' does not exist in the current context
cc issue
[InteractWith(error)]: Attribute 'MobId' is required, but was not provided.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 360]: Attribute 'MobId1' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 360]: Attribute 'MobId2' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 360]: Attribute 'MobId3' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 360]: Attribute 'MobId4' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 360]: Attribute 'MobId5' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(warning) @line 360]: Attribute 'MobId6' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
[InteractWith(error) @line 360]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
Using 4620 right now and seeing less problems but a new one did pop up using the oracles dailies profile for "collect 6 Shiny Things"
Good that you tell that, will get that implemented.When doing "The Defense of Grom'gol: Raptor Risk" could you change the CB to put pet on passive. Pet was running up and killing the eggs and I wasn't getting count for them. Other then that working great![]()
According to your log, then honorbuddy stopped, due to wow exiting. Also, can you describe the movement problems? (as most of the movement is handled by the CC)The Quest shortly after "I think she's hungry" bugs out ALOT. Log is attached. Once it got all 40 bites, it stopped. It did have some problems moving around so I helped
unfortunately, we can't do anything about is, as honorbuddy uses a "follow paths if possible" system for navigation, meaning that even if we blackspot it, honorbuddy will try to move through.When pathing to kill Zanzil the Outcast for "Eliminate the Outcast", he drives too close to the Alliance outpost Explorer's League Digsite and gets 1-shotted a couple times before he resurrects far enough away.
Second issue: When finished with "High Priest Venoxis" he paths straight into Fort Livingston.
Gonna fix this quickly.Got this just now guys
submit mesh reports here and raphus will fix them:Another bug.
Location: Felwood
Quest: Culling the Corrupted
Info: The bot is stucked in the tree. He don't want go anywhere, just stucked there and watching like a monkey.
Location: Felwood
Quest: Ruumbo Demands Justice
Info: Same bug as in Culling the Corrupted
I'll add a faction check and grindspots later at the beginning of the profileOriginal Problem... leveled up thru PvP and IB faster then Questing profile is layed out and as such got caught in loop for quest "The Impotent Leader"... due to the fact I did not have rep/quest to be able to get Quests from the Garadar....
After reviewing the profile.. I would like to suggest you move the "Reinforcements for Garadar" quest pickup/turn to the Lvl 65 link since its the last quest before you have it grind for 2 levels to 65. At Lvl 65 is when it starts using quests in Garadar and this way would prevent looping from occuring.
explain your issue more thoroughly and provide a log(s)I had number 2, and i got stuck to a wall on a zepplin, and i had to hearth, at level 32 is said picking up nuru pathfinder and it sat still on the edge of elder rise, i restarted it and it jumped off and res'd and then went to quest area
fixed....Code:Could not generate any hotspots for quest Into the Raptor's Den. Please place a quest override for this quest.
^^ credits to that guy
fixedI also have this in goblin start zone level 5 any help please
[RunLikeHell(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'Combat'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'AllowCombat', instead.
fixedOk now i have gone on a but and now getting this
And im not even in a vehicle lol
[NoControlVehicle(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'MobId'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'TargetId', instead.
[NoControlVehicle(error) @line 545]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
give me valid blackspots and i'll stick them inI`ve got a simple question , when you guys tested this profile ... did you use a lvl 85 character ? .... because tbh , my lvl 26 tauren druid with no hairlooms , finds VVVVVVV difficult to pass Astranaar (Alliance town) right through it , and actualy its not difficult , it`s impossible , he tried that from 02:00AM -> 10:30amso .. work on this point
this happens when you don't have a cacheGo the latest version of this and HB, but when I start to play it I get...
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 51664 in database
and HB stops..![]()
fixedIt got stuck turning in the quest Feed the evil for my tauren pally
Quest requirements were not complete yet. Sucks because I only got to level 3 in over an hour
more information pleaseProfile keeps flying from where the quest is it says is picking up to TB then just sits at cliff in TB:
Could not generate full path from {-1197.21, 29.71, 176.95} to {-184.1285, -293.7465, 11.54495} (time used: 3 milliseconds)
Use the 'other' trainersMy 68 Paladin went to Shattrath to train at the paladin trainer Ordo.
That makes him stuck, because Ordo is "The Aldor" and due to missing reputation red - he won't teach anything.
After going to the other Trainer (Argaron) and learning everything, my toon still returns to Ordo.
Even after commenting the only line in the subprofile containing "Ordo" he returns to him:
Code:<!-- <Vendor Name="Ordo" Entry="50023" Type="Train" TrainClass="Paladin" X="-1796.377" Y="5402.776" Z="-12.42768" /> -->
What can I do to continue questing?
I put in a dummy check - but i don't know why you couldn't pick it up. attach a log and valid informationcant find quest with the name Spirits of Feraflen
is this profile supported anymore?
fixedChanging current profile to Horde 1-68 Questing
Blacklisting Nutral for 5 minutes because we can't navigate to it!
[ForcedDismount(info) @line 499]: Descending before dismount
[ForcedDismount(info) @line 499]: Dismounting
-Call Pet 1
-Revive Pet
[ForceSetVendor(warning)]: The 'QuestId' attribute's value may not be zero. For now, we allow it for purposes of backward compatibility; however, it will be ignored. In a future release, a QuestId of zero will be explicitly disallowed.
Moving to Type: Train, Name: Irva
Could not find quest with ID 9841! (Or could I: False)
Could not create a performable quest objective for objective with ID 18133!
Could not create current in quest bot
give me blackspots and i'll add themTesting now.
When the bot returns to the vendor in Ogrimmar it is unable to find its way back to flight path. So far I am lvl 18 and have had to adjust it each visit back to the city.
Also note at splintertree post. LVL 21 - It runs straight through one of the elites pathing all the time while heading to its next destination.
Ashenvale seems to be extremely difficult. More deaths than anything. CC is fine spending more time atm doing corpse runs. Will maybe test again after future updates.
I need questid / name, valid issues and you to attach a log(s)Encountered problems with the first tauren chain. Tried three times, worked two times. Dunno what's wrong. Simply won't finish the quest.
fixedThere is a problem with a quest being handed in immediately after collecting one sample:
<PickUp QuestName="Protecting Our Own" QuestId="10488" GiverName="Gor'drek" GiverId="21117" />
<If Condition="HasQuest(10488)">
<CustomBehavior File="UseItemOn" QuestId="10488" ItemId="30175" NpcId="20748" WaitTime="0" Range="5" X="2092.474" Y="6085.685" Z="146.4345" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Protecting Our Own" QuestId="10488" TurnInName="Gor'drek" TurnInId="21117" />
I tried with adding CollectCount="5" in the CustomBehavior tag. But that didn't help. Can someone a little more proficient in the coding style here help me out with what it should say?
Explain the issue thoroughly and provide a log - it should be flying but who knows!Will not fly to Hellscreams Watch in Ashenvale
Code:[5:37:13 PM:437] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Use, Hellscream's Watch, Ashenvale [5:37:14 PM:500] interact: 0x2D06580C [5:37:14 PM:515] interact done: 0x2D06580C [5:37:17 PM:546] Activity: Learning new Flight Path [5:37:17 PM:546] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP [5:37:17 PM:546] Cleared POI [5:38:41 PM:906] [BuddyCenter]: Sending notifo notification [5:54:52 PM:390] Activity: Waiting on taxi...
Have to manually fly there. Every time.
hello been using this for a while but i have an issue. when at redridge starting quests, theres a quest where you gather food for a quest at the tower. the birds are all sitting on top of rocks outside of melee range. the bot doesnt try to shoot them down, it tries to pull like normal so it logs out when it thinks its afk