I downloaded the newest version of HB, as the post above me suggested I do, but when starting the profile, I keep getting the same type of error. Here is the log -
I started at 70 and picked up 3 quest and then couldn't find path I took him near quest giver and then works fine then he couldn't fight good he dosn't use fly mount he keep jumping and fight not in cat and he died alot not sure what to do I helped him later on to pck up the eggs while he was on but now he trying to get the eggs again not sure how to make him skip the quest?
attach here
[FlyTo-v157(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'Name'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'DestName', instead
Hey Kick i got a question for ya, ive been running a few of your profiles and couple im having little issues with or have to baby sit. One of the msgs i get is
Im using Honorbuddy, is it because of the build im using or the profiles? Should i be using tghe 4620 right now instead? This is just for your profiles, as i dont really use any others. Thanks
So I think I ran into the end of it. It seems to have finished Ashenvale and moved on to Stonetalon Mountains, which was a surprise since I thought it was just going to stop. But it seems to want to run into an alliance town/quest area in Stonetalon. I'll post a log when I get back home if you need it.
As I'm not finding any topic for the 68-80 [alliance] questprofile, I guess I'll post it here.
It is having major problems with the quest named "Prisoners of Wyrmskull"<The quest is located at Howling Fjord, and from what I could understand it's in the "Valgarde questhub".
It's having the same problem with both the "BETA" version and "RELEASE" version so to say.
I've uploaded the log.
And I'll apologize beforehand in case there actually was a real topic for the 68-80 questprofile [alliance]
Ah, and yet again, my bad about the other one!
Just wanted to tell you that it's working fine again now, after I manually opened the cages.
Might be my pc or the fact that I'm using .4620.
Working flawlessly again now anyhow
So I think I ran into the end of it. It seems to have finished Ashenvale and moved on to Stonetalon Mountains, which was a surprise since I thought it was just going to stop. But it seems to want to run into an alliance town/quest area in Stonetalon. I'll post a log when I get back home if you need it.
Should I be using 4928 with this profile or 4620?
you'll need to use 4928+ with this profile and the plugin and behaviors listed in first post