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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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My toon is now in deepholm and have finished the quest with Forgemaster's Log but it spams this message!

Can not turn in quest The Forgemaster's Log (ID: 26260) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: False)
Could not create current in quest bot!

(Will provide log)

I have not done any manuall interaction other then it told me to do. Using latest release (.4910) I saw it complete this quest by itself so I dont know wtf I should do :p
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that's a tricky one i think

is it the one where u have to combat useitemon the mob?

or the one where u have to command the mob to lift the rock and then throw it into the river?

Step 1. You go to the mob (who interrupts btw and puts the item on a 4 second or so cooldown). You channel it on him and he comes under your control.

Step 2. Go back to the bolder, select it, and press the item again.
My toon is now in deepholm and have finished the quest with Forgemaster's Log but it spams this message!

Can not turn in quest The Forgemaster's Log (ID: 26260) because I don't have it in my quest log! (Or do I: False)
Could not create current in quest bot!

(Will provide log)

I have not done any manuall interaction other then it told me to do. Using latest release (.4910) I saw it complete this quest by itself so I dont know wtf I should do :p

STV quest [A Dish Best Served Huge] isn't clicking the broken boat in order to make Negolash come out for the kill.
STV quest [A Dish Best Served Huge] isn't clicking the broken boat in order to make Negolash come out for the kill.
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="26602" ObjectType="Gameobject" MobId="2289" GossipOptions="1" NumOfTimes="1" CollectionDistance="50" X="-14651.41" Y="151.1608" Z="3.41511" />


dunno what to tell ya - did you get agro?
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				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="26602" ObjectType="Gameobject" MobId="2289" GossipOptions="1" NumOfTimes="1" CollectionDistance="50" X="-14651.41" Y="151.1608" Z="3.41511" />

Ruined Lifeboat - Object - World of Warcraft

dunno what to tell ya - did you get agro?

What do you mean? My character stands by the boat, doesn't do anything. Then goes out into the water and just stands there forever. The mob is never summoned.
Hmm i keep getting this error "Could not find turn in step! Please specify a turn in override!
Could not create current in quest bot!" Ive manually done 5-7 quests and im still receiving the error...
Hmm i keep getting this error "Could not find turn in step! Please specify a turn in override!
Could not create current in quest bot!" Ive manually done 5-7 quests and im still receiving the error...

logs for assistance
Now it just stands at deathwing's Fall and tryes to pick up the quest "Silvermarsh Rendezvous" But no NPC is there =/
Now it just stands at deathwing's Fall and tryes to pick up the quest "Silvermarsh Rendezvous" But no NPC is there =/

you need to go back and do a quest that the bot missed then

 			<If Condition="((HasQuest(26261)) &amp;&amp; (IsQuestCompleted(26261)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" />
				<CustomBehavior File="CompleteLogQuest" QuestId="26261" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" />
			<If Condition="(HasQuest(26260))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="905.4128" Y="-201.1573" Z="10.49855" />
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
		<TurnIn QuestName="The Forgemaster's Log" QuestId="26260" TurnInName="Forgemaster's Log" TurnInId="205134" X="909.5818" Y="-193.3752" Z="11.51797" />
		<Pickup QuestName="Silvermarsh Rendezvous" QuestId="27007" GiverName="Forgemaster's Log" GiverId="205134" GiverType="GameObject" X="909.5818" Y="-193.3752" Z="11.51797" />

it should be getting the log :\

go to the ship and interactwith the log and get the quest
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On "Big Game, Big Bait"

He'll just sit there flying, just over cliff and wont move

HonorBuddy keeps saying "Questitem 60816"

No matter what quest he is trying to do.. (When every it says that, that's when he just stands there and does nothing, moves a little from the quest giver and then nothing)

please help, he wont even pick any quests up

now says "Picking Up Where's Goldmine"

but he just sits flying the air doing nothing.

Now its back to Quetsitem 60816 but I dont even have any quests in log! >.<

when it finally managed to get to the quest giver, he just sits there trying to pick it up, so i manually picked it up, but back to Questitem 60816, it's driving me insane lol

View attachment 22921

<GrindTo Condition="(HasItem(60816))" GoalText="QuestItem 60816" /> - it's farming for a dropquest item

re-svn and tell me if the flyto helps
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