Make a cooler user interface :]
hello kick.
in the quest Death from above the bot stops whit the follow error
Could not find attribute 'ObjectType' in UseItemkick behavior! please check your profile!
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation
Temple of Telhamat, flys to the dark portal.... Then proceeds to run through all of the elite mobs in front of the portal, and the gates right past the portal with the elite mobs.
*Lifetimer* But the bot is choosing to get on a horse and ride instead of flying on the flying mount. But it goes all the way back to the temple, attacking mobs on the way, and then flys back to the portal again and starts the process over again.
Started on and off back at 59
Found the right section. sorry
Edited for finding the right section
you have to use kick quest behaviors which can be found in his trunk via SVNhello kick.
in the quest Death from above the bot stops whit the follow error
Could not find attribute 'ObjectType' in UseItemkick behavior! please check your profile!
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Just finished the profile in Icecrown ( I didn't let it grind as I frown on it ) made it to 78 1/4 from questing. Besides the 2 quest problems in the Borean Tundra this was fully AFKable. Since the 2 problematic quests was within the first half hour of profile it was no big deal since most people will watch their bots for that amount of time or longer.
Would love to see more quests added and still be able to keep it as afk as possible , great work!