doesnt work
restart bot?
thank you so much for the bug report...
now, if we could only get thorough details and a log or 2, that would be great. I really hate pulling out my crystal ball
doesnt work
Beautiful profile. Have run it up to lvl 75 so far and all is smooth. Great job!
The profile seems to run around on ground most of the time, and flies rarely. There are no log errors, but I can provide a video. There is also nothing wrong with the profile, it's just that there is a lot more running on ground while mounted, rather than flying. This results to possibly slower leveling (for those looking into this profile). The profile is smooth as well.
(It does in fact fly when it needs to, but it seems your profile's main form of travel is through ground, with use of flying in certain areas.)
I also have one question though.... when I'm done using the profile for the day, I turn off the game and HB. The next day when I am going to continue using the profile, do I have to start the profile at the beginning (borean tundra), or can I start the profile where it left off?
Had little problem with quest "End of the Supply Line"
After he'd already complete it, he would continue to kill the mobs for the items... (had to stop bot and manually hand quest in)
also, with "Lycanthorth the corrupter"
Been having problems turning quests in recently, keeps trying to complete them, even though they are...
NOTE: I've set Honor Buddy to use Swift Red Wind Rider, but sometimes he uses just the standard Green Wind Rider, any idea why?
Running into a problem when I start the profile. When I start the quest, it says:
But I'm sitting on my flying mount right now. I downloaded LetMeFly or is that the wrong one? Here's the debug part:
Not sure which is the right one to quote:
Does this use Flight paths?
/played time anyone?
2 days 12 hours -> 1-60 level